Chair |
Norio Tagawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) |
Secretary |
Kouichi Itou (Tohoku Univ.), Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.) |
Chair |
Hiroshi Watanabe (Waseda Univ.) |
Secretary |
Mitsugu Kakuta (Nippon Sport Science Univ.), Ryosuke Watanabe (KDDI Research), Dan Mikami (NTT), Itaru Kitahara (Tsukuba Univ.), Hideki Mitsumine (NHK) |
Conference Date |
Thu, Nov 14, 2019 10:30 - 17:10
Fri, Nov 15, 2019 09:00 - 12:00 |
Topics |
Sport Information Processing, Analysis, etc. |
Conference Place |
SoLA 2F, Main campus, Sojo University |
Address |
4-22-1, Ikeda, Nishi-kuu, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto, 860-0082 Japan |
Sponsors |
Co-sponsored by Sojo University
Thu, Nov 14 AM 10:30 - 11:50 |
10:30-10:35 |
Opening ( 5 min. ) |
(1) |
10:35-11:00 |
A study of motion approximation in sign language |
Kenta Irie, Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.) |
(2) |
11:00-11:25 |
Research On Kumamoto Castle Ishigaki Region Estimation by Stone Feature Extraction |
Yuuki Yamasaki, Masahiro Migita, Go Koutaki, Masashi Toda (Kumamoto Univ.), Tsuyoshi Kishigami (TOPPAN) |
(3) |
11:25-11:50 |
Trial of three-dimensional extraction and classification of cell nucleus region in heart |
Asuma Takematsu, Masahiro Migita, Masashi Toda, Yuichiro Arima (Kumamoto Univ.) |
11:50-13:00 |
Break ( 70 min. ) |
Thu, Nov 14 PM 13:00 - 15:00 |
(4) |
13:00-13:25 |
A Study on Scene Matching for Different Pitching Styles |
Ryohei Osawa (Waseda Univ.), Takaaki Ishikawa (GITI), Hiroshi Watanabe (Waseda Univ.) |
(5) |
13:25-13:50 |
A Proposal of MLOps for Motion Capture Systems Satisfying Sports Demands by Using Human Pose Estimation |
Koji Nakagawa, Chikara Miyaji (Teikyo Univ.) |
(6) |
13:50-14:15 |
Statistical pass prediction model using player's motion model in soccer |
Kosei Onodera, Masaaki Honda (Waseda Univ.) |
(7) |
14:15-15:00 |
15:00-15:10 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Nov 14 PM 15:10 - 17:10 |
(8) |
15:10-15:35 |
Stroke Analysis for Badminton Game Based on TCN and Stroke Characteristics |
Yosuke Kinoshita, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC) |
(9) |
15:35-16:00 |
Development of support system for shot clock operator in basketball game |
Fumiya Hisamatsu, Mutsuhiro Nakashige (DIT) |
(10) |
16:00-16:25 |
A study on appropriate walking pace in mountaineering using wearable sensors |
Satoshi Shimada (Nihon Univ.) |
(11) |
16:25-17:10 |
Fri, Nov 15 AM 09:00 - 12:00 |
(12) |
09:00-09:45 |
(13) |
09:45-10:10 |
Reading strategies of deaf people in urgent signed message movies. |
Sayaka Shinada (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) |
(14) |
10:10-10:35 |
Analysis of Learning Japanese Sign Languages Strategies for Novices using a Gaze Measurement |
Sho Inooka (SIT), Ken Tsutsuguchi (Sojo Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (SIT) |
10:35-10:45 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
(15) |
10:45-11:10 |
Individual Differences in Perception of Modified 2D- and 3D- Footsteps Illusions
-- Dependence on Sports Experiences -- |
Masahiro Nakamura, Naoya Torisato, Shoko Hira, Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.) |
(16) |
11:10-11:35 |
A study for investigating relationship between cognitive function and driving behavior of elderly drivers |
Keisuke Nakaya, Masahiko Takaya, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.) |
(17) |
11:35-12:00 |
Gaze Analysis of Forklift Operator in Warehouse Using Eye Camera |
Jun Yoshiiwa, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.) |
12:00-12:05 |
Closing ( 5 min. ) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
ME |
Technical Group on Media Engineering (ME) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Technical Group on Sport Information Processing (SIP) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Last modified: 2019-10-04 15:20:44