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Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology (AIT)

The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ)

The Society for Art and Science (AS)

Fri, Mar 15, 2013 10:30 - 18:20



(1) 09:05 - 10:15

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 15 PM (10:30 - 12:00)

(2) 10:30 - 10:45
Global Illumination Computation Using Replica Exchange Method Based on Locality Relaxation of Light Path Space
Hisanari Otsu, Yonghao Yue (The Univ. of Tokyo), Qiming Hou (Zhejiang Univ.), Kei Iwasaki (Wakayama Univ.), Bing-Yu Chen (National Taiwan Univ.), Yoshinori Dobashi (Hokkaido Univ.), Tomoyuki Nishita (The Univ. of Tokyo)

(3) 10:45 - 11:00
Relighting Hair in a Single Image
Yuuma Sasaki, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui (Univ. of Tsukuba)

(4) 11:00 - 11:15
Adaptive Data Structure for Efficient Hair Collision Handling of Fine-Detailed Hair
Witawat Rungjiratananon (Tokyo Univ.), Yoshihiro Kanamori (Univ. of Tsukuba), Tomoyuki Nishita (Tokyo Univ.)

(5) 11:15 - 11:30
Generation of a 3D model of tufted hair from a line illustration
Masataka Sumi, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani, Yukio Fukui (Univ of Tsukuba)

(6) 11:30 - 11:45
Research Work-Package Methodology exemplified by the Multiple Screens Project
Jonas Lewis, Kakee Lau, Pelle Bostrom, Youssef Khatib, Joakim Andreasson, Steven Bachelder, Masaki Hayashi, Masayuki Nakajima (HGO), Takashi Ohta, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(7) 11:45 - 12:00
A Computer-assisted Brainstorming System on Microsoft PixelSense
Seigo Sugahara, Mitsunori Makino (Chuo Univ.)

Fri, Mar 15 PM (10:30 - 12:00)

(8) 10:30 - 10:45
Colorization of Freehand Line Drawings Using Reference Images
Saori Kurata, Yoshitomo Shida, Yuya Ishiyama, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama, Kenji Shoji (Utsunomiya Univ.)

(9) 10:45 - 11:00
A drawing support system for facial sketches
Naoya Ebisu, kazunori miyata (JAIST)

(10) 11:00 - 11:15
The method of generating outline for character Pixel Art using 3D model
Tatsuya Matsushima (Tokyo Univ. of Technology Graduate School), Taichi Watanabe (Tokyo Univ. of Technology)

(11) 11:15 - 11:30
Improvement of Automatic BBS Visualization in T2V
-- Animation considering dialogue structure --
Masahiro Kameoka, Masaki Hayashi (Gotland Univ.), Toshihiro Furukawa (TUS)

(12) 11:30 - 11:45
A Representation Technique for Moving-Image Based on Datamoshing
Yuichi Ito, Carl Stone, Masahiro Ura, Masashi Yamada, Shinya Miyazaki (Chukyo Univ.)

(13) 11:45 - 12:00
Novel "Shin-Hanga" Filter using Segmentation and Gradation
Ryo Oami, Andrea Kutics, Akihiko Nakagawa (ICU), Satoshi Toyosawa (Tokuyama Univ.)

Fri, Mar 15 AM (10:30 - 12:00)

(14) 10:30 - 12:00
Virtual Noctiluca:Representation of light and water using multilayer cloth display
Yusuke Higashi, Kensuke Tobitani, Kyohei Aida, Noriko Nagata (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)

(15) 10:30 - 12:00
An Interactive CG Representation of Fresh and Juicy Fruits
Tomoko Takeda, Issei Fujishiro (Keio Univ.)

(16) 10:30 - 12:00
Visual Simulation of Night Scene including the Neon Sign
Shosuke Kawabata, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(17) 10:30 - 12:00
Proposal of Example-Based Tree Modeling Based on ShadowDraw Paradigm
Takato Yorozuya, Issei Fujishiro (Keio Univ.)

(18) 10:30 - 12:00
Visual Simulation of Chocolate by considering the State Transition
Akira Kaminagi, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(19) 10:30 - 12:00
Visual Simulation of Ivy Plant
Kazuki Ogino, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(20) 10:30 - 12:00
An Efficient Method for Creating Cat-Jumps Animation
Kanae Nakai, Motonobu Kawashima, Daichi Hayakawa, Tomokazu Ishikawa, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(21) 10:30 - 12:00
CG representation of Glass Beads with POV-Ray
Manaho Sakai, Hidekazu Tsujiai (Univ. of Toyama)

(22) 10:30 - 12:00
Representation of City Landscape Illuminated by Negative Light Sources
Ryo Tanaka, Daiki Umeda, Tomoaki Moriya, Tokiichiro Takahashi (Tokyo Denki Univ.)

(23) 10:30 - 12:00
The high-speed algorithm of a three-dimensional flock behavior simulation
Junichi Shibuya, Tatsuo Unemi (Soka Univ.)

(24) 10:30 - 12:00
A Shading Model of Shiny and Black Feather of Crow
Taisei Haruyama, Tokiichiro Takahashi (TDU)

(25) 10:30 - 12:00
On reusable CG object for MMD in T2V
Koji Wajima (TUS), Masaki Hayashi (Gotland Univ.), Toshihiro Furukawa (TUS)

(26) 10:30 - 12:00
Development of a draft design of the head support system production of animated characters
Tomoyuki Suda, Ryuta Motegi, Yoshihisa Kanematsu, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (Tokyo University of Technology)

(27) 10:30 - 12:00
Implementation of T2V: Text-To-Visio on Game Engine UNITY
Masaki Hayashi, Masayuki Nakajima, Steven Bachelder (Gotland Univ.), Takesato Nigorikawa (Progmind)

(28) 10:30 - 12:00
A product Search System for women adjusting amount of browsed items
Eriko Koike, Takayuki Itoh (Ocha Univ.)

(29) 10:30 - 12:00
An Animation on Blooming of Prunus x Yedoensis (Someiyoshino) Cherry Based on Its Bud and Blossom Models
Haruna Sakabe, Tokiichiro Takahashi (TDU)

----- Lunch Break ( 60 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 15 PM (13:00 - 14:05)

(30) 13:00 - 13:15
4K/8K Ultra High-resolution Interactive Display System for Museum Collections Providing Information and Context
Steven Bachelder, Masayuki Nakajima, Masaki Hayashi (Gotland Univ.)

(31) 13:15 - 14:05

Fri, Mar 15 PM (14:05 - 14:50)

(32) 14:05 - 14:50

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 15 PM (15:05 - 16:20)

(33) 15:05 - 15:20
GPU acceleration of visual simulation of rain stain considering the adhesion
Masaki Tanaka (G. S. of Wakayama Univ.), Kohe Tokoi (Wakayama Univ.)

(34) 15:20 - 15:35
Rupture Simulation of a Bubble Based on Particle Method
Yusuke Tazu, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ.)

(35) 15:35 - 15:50
Interactive Shape Control of Fluid Animation
Jun Yoshino, Reiji Tsuruno (Kyushu Univ.)

(36) 15:50 - 16:05
A Campus Navigation System Using Augmented Reality
Yan Jinglong (Chuo Univ)

(37) 16:05 - 16:20
Visual Simulation of Diamond Dust
Kensuke Shoji, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

Fri, Mar 15 PM (15:05 - 16:35)

(38) 15:05 - 15:20
Manga Generator
Yuto Nara, Yukua Koide, Wataru Fujimura, Akihiko Shirai (KAIT)

(39) 15:20 - 15:35
The Method of Effect Line Adaptation in CG Animation
Ryo Kanou, Kouki Itou, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(40) 15:35 - 15:50
Design and Evaluation of Affective Visual Effect
Takumi Kawagashira, Masahiro Toyoura, Masaki Omata, Xiaoyang Mao (Univ. Yamanashi)

(41) 15:50 - 16:05
3D Shape Driven Animetion for School of Fish
Taichi Isamu, Reiji Tsuruno (Kyushu Univ.)

(42) 16:05 - 16:20
A Content Creation Support System for Missile Animation with Complex Motions
Takuya Sakuraoka, Kazunori Miyata (JAIST)

(43) 16:20 - 16:35
The town automatic generative system for a game maker
Asahida Takuya, Nakamura Naoto (CIT)

Fri, Mar 15 PM (15:05 - 16:35)

(44) 15:05 - 16:35
Computer-generated image hologram with the real object
Ryosuke Wada, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Yoshikawa (Nihon Univ.)

(45) 15:05 - 16:35
Surface Estimation of AR marker on Cylindrical Objects
Naoki Kanayama, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC Tokyo)

(46) 15:05 - 16:35
Hand Gesture Interface for Rotation Operation
Yasuaki Ishida, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC)

(47) 15:05 - 16:35
An Efficient Ray Tracing with LOD Control by FOV on Large HD Display System
Tatsuro Yamada, Mitsunori Makino (Chuo Univ.)

(48) 15:05 - 16:35
A study on commonality User Experience in multiplayer games using EEG data
yohei terui, yosuke nakamura, koji mikami, kunio kondou (TUT)

(49) 15:05 - 16:35
Dynamics Projection Mapping on the Human Body by using Kinect
Knto Nishio, Kouki Itou, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(50) 15:05 - 16:35
Amusement for Theme Park with LED Tapes
Kenta Hamaguchi, Syunsuke Fukui, Atsushi Karino, Tomoyuki Takami (OECU)

(51) 15:05 - 16:35
Methods of Movie Trailers Production by using the Framework of the Gamification
Shunya Tanabe, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(52) 15:05 - 16:35
The music video game for arcades applied gamification.
Hiroyuki Yanada, Kouki Ito, Tsukasa Kikuchi (Takushoku Univ.)

(53) 15:05 - 16:35
A method for automatic judgement of FPS game play skills
Yuki Saito, Yosuke Nakamura, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(54) 15:05 - 16:35
Books of Hanoi
Kai Lenz, Kensho Ando, Daiki Kamiyama, Shinichi Hosokawa, Yusuke Hioki, Kengo Watanabe, Akinori Ito, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(55) 15:05 - 16:35
Reproduction of Maka Dai Shogi
Syun Ohno, Kazuki Tamura, Satoshi Iida, Seiya Kai, Tomoyuki Takami (OECU)

(56) 15:05 - 15:35
A method of making scenario based on the analysis of causality between the scene
Daisuke Kanno, Yuya aoyama, Kai Lenz, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(57) 15:05 - 16:35
Proposal of PLOT configuration based on the scenario analysis
Fumitaka Matano, Daisuke Kanno, Kai Lenz, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(58) 15:05 - 16:35
Visualization of a main character situation by scenario analiysis
Fumika Yanagisawa, Daisuke Kanno, Kai Lenz, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(59) 15:05 - 16:35
Information management system for multi-ending scenario
Kai Lenz, Keiichi Ishikawa, Daisuke Kanno, Koji Mikami, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(60) 15:05 - 16:35

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 15 PM (16:50 - 18:20)

(61) 16:50 - 18:20
Schrödinger's box
Taisho Nishikawa (TPU)

(62) 16:50 - 18:20
-- How strange an animal is !! --
Tomoro Akagawa, Nobuhiko Takada (Kingakuin Univ.)

(63) 16:50 - 18:20
A cup of sweet barley tea
Ryoichi Tamura (TPU)

(64) 16:50 - 18:20
Shapes of the Imaginariness
Atsushi Miyazawa, Itsuha Sakurai (Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.), Ko Hayashi (Klon)

(65) 16:50 - 18:20

Fri, Mar 15 PM (16:50 - 18:05)

(66) 16:50 - 17:05
Recognition of Fingerspelling in Japanese Sign Language based on Nail Detection and Wrist Position
Kohei Miura, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo City Univ.)

(67) 17:05 - 17:20
Semi-Automated Object Extraction System Using Content-Based Image Retrieval Interface
Ken-ichiro Kobayashi, Yukio Fukui, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Jun Mitani (Univ. of Tsukuba)

(68) 17:20 - 17:35
Consideration of the system which can choose the real image and virtual image of a hologram
Masataka Tozuka (SIT), Kunihiko Takano (CIT), Koki Sato, Makoto Ohki (SIT)

(69) 17:35 - 17:50
Introduction of the progressive photon mapping to computer-generated holograms
Masaki Nakamura, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Yoshikawa (Nihon Univ.)

(70) 17:50 - 18:05
Fast computation for full-color image type computer-generated hologram using GPU
Satoshi Kajiro, Takeshi Yamaguchi, Hiroshi Yoshikawa (Nihon Univ.)

Fri, Mar 15 PM (16:50 - 18:20)

(71) 16:50 - 18:20
User analysis using the results data in the entertainment system for science museum
Taiki Kitada, Yuto Nara (KAIT), Takashi Wada (Niigata), Akihiko Shirai (KAIT)

(72) 16:50 - 18:20
-- A visual programming development environment with material --
Tomohito Yashiro, Kazushi Mukaiyama (Future Univ Hakodate)

(73) 16:50 - 18:20
EnzansoAdd: A Sonification System of Addition by Writing
Shoichi Okada, Akihiro Matsuura (Tokyo Denki Univ.)

(74) 16:50 - 18:20
An Interactive Visualization System of Human Network for Multi-User
Hiroki Akehata, Mitsunori Makino (Chuo Univ.)

(75) 16:50 - 18:20
Proposal of an Ambient Visualization System for Large-Scale, Semi-Structured Datasets
Takahiro Sano, Issei Fujishiro (Keio Univ.)

(76) 16:50 - 18:20
Application of the 3DCG on historical education
Xinxin Zhou (Nagoya Bunri Univ.), Kenichi Sugihara (Gifu Keizai Univ.), Murase Takahiro (Chukyo Gakuin Univ.)

(77) 16:50 - 18:20
An Experience Learning System of Security Incidents with NUI
Ryohei Tsuruoka, Mitsunori Makino (Chuo Univ.)

(78) 16:50 - 18:20
Onodera Hayato, Motegi Ryuta, Kanematsu Yosihisa, Mikami Kouji, Kondo Kunio

(79) 16:50 - 18:20
Distance Distribution Analysis in Pockets among Amino Acids
Makiko Miyoshi, Takayuki Itoh, Kei Yura (Ochanomizujoshi Univ.)

(80) 16:50 - 18:20
-- The development of device which makes meal fun by electric resistance of human body. --
Shirou Kitayama, Kazushi Mukaiyama (Future Univ Hakodate)

(81) 16:50 - 18:20
SAKURA Scheduler
-- Watching Your Tasks based on Traditional Japanese-Style --
Nao Matsufuji, Moe Takeuchi (TUT), Izumi Uchino, Kengo Watanabe (KengoLab), Akinori Ito, Kunio Kondo (TUT)

(82) 16:50 - 18:20
kamon tool using In Design of JavaScript
Ayumi Kuse, Hidekazu Tsujiai (Univ. of Toyama)

(83) 16:50 - 18:20
Pig Face Recognition using Eigenspace Method
Naoki Wada, Mikio Shinya, Michio Shiraishi (Toho Univ)

(84) 16:50 - 18:20
Analysis of visual kansei affecting taste impression
Haruka Kobayashi, Takahashi Hiroki (UEC)

(85) 16:50 - 18:20
Development of Judo Beginner's Practice System by Using Virtual Character Model with Sense of Balance
Hitokimi Ryu, Tokiichiro Takahashi, Tomoaki Moriya (TDU)

(86) 16:50 - 18:20
Design of a tone creation supporting system based on KANSEI information
Mitsuhisa Oku, Tatsuo Unemi (Soka Univ.)

(87) 16:50 - 18:20
Transpiring Stroll Information Representation
Atsumi Taketomi, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC)

(88) 16:50 - 18:20
Ground Truth generation using geometrical lane markers feature for lane detection
Jun Shiwaku, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC)

----- ( 90 min. ) -----

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology (AIT) ===

Thu, May 16, 2013 - Fri, May 17, 2013: Ryukoku University, Kyoto Hall [Fri, Mar 29], Topics: Medeia for Business Management, Kansei Information, etc.

=== The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ) ===

=== The Society for Art and Science (AS) ===

Last modified: 2013-03-01 07:18:05

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