映像情報メディア学会 研究会発表申込システム
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Official language: English
Sponsored by Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST), the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers (ITE)
In cooperation with Group of Information Photonics (Optical Society of Japan) +CMOS Working Group, IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter, and IEICE Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices (ICD)
Overview: In this workshop, the state-of-the-art CMOS imagers and their future directions as applied to microscopy, biology, and medicine will be discussed. Recent progress on CMOS imager performance specifications, such as noise, dynamic range, frame rate and time resolution, as well as on the capability of functional integration can significantly contribute to biomedical applications. The main topic of workshop is “how CMOS imagers can change microscopy and contribute to biology and medicine, and how CMOS imagers should be changed for discoveries, inventions, and innovations in microscopy, biology, and medicine.” The workshop consists of plenary talk and invited talks. After the workshop, a little reception will be held to establish an inter-disciplinary network of people from various fields related to imaging.
Contact: ist201511@idl.rie.shizuoka.ac.jp

情報センシング研究会(IST) [schedule] [select]
委員長 須川 成利 (東北大)
担当幹事 香川 景一郞 (静岡大), 伊藤 真也 (東芝)

日時 2015年11月20日(金) 10:20 - 19:30
議題 Workshop on microscopy, biology, medicine, and advanced CMOS imagers 
会場名 Conference hall, S-Port 3F, Hamamatsu Campus, Shizuoka University 
住所 3-5-1, Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 432-8561, JAPAN
交通案内 http://www.lib.shizuoka.ac.jp/riyo/shisetsu/hama2014.pdf
Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka University)

11月20日(金) 午前 
10:20 - 19:30
(1) 10:20-11:00 [招待講演]3D measurement using light field microscopy with improved resolution Shin UsukiYuki OhashiKenjiro T. MiuraShizuoka Univ.
(2) 11:00-12:00 [基調講演]All-Digital Imaging based on Photon Counting
-- A Decade of CMOS single-photon image sensors --
Edoardo CharbonTU Delft
  12:00-13:50 Lunch (and lab tour) ( 110分 )
(3) 13:50-14:30 [招待講演]Super-resolution microscopy using nonlinear light emission Katsumasa FujitaOsaka University
(4) 14:30-15:10 [招待講演][Invited Talk] Establishment of adaptive optics microscopy for fine live imaging during the stem-cell formation in plants Yosuke TamadaMasayuki HattoriNatl. Inst. Basic Biol.
(5) 15:10-15:50 [招待講演][Invited Talk] Multipoint confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using a fast and high sensitive CMOS camera Johtaro YamamotoHokkaido Univ.)・Keiichiro KagawaShoji KawahitoShizuoka Univ.)・Masataka KinjoHokkaido Univ.
  15:50-16:10 Break ( 20分 )
(6) 16:10-16:50 [招待講演]Development of multi-tap CMOS lock-in pixel imager with a high time-resolution for time-resolved measurements Min-Woong SeoKeiichiro KagawaKeita YasutomiZhuo LiShoji KawahitoShizuoka Univ.
(7) 16:50-17:30 [招待講演]Nonlinear Raman microscopy for biomedical applications Mamoru HashimotoOsaka Univ.)・Shoji KawahitoShizuoka Univ.
(8) 18:00-19:30 Reception

基調講演発表 50 分 + 質疑応答 10 分
招待講演発表 35 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

IST 情報センシング研究会(IST)   [今後の予定はこちら]

Last modified: 2015-10-23 13:07:15

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ITE / 映像情報メディア学会