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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST, IEICE-ICD 2013-07-04
Hokkaido Sun ref re Hakodate 93% Power Reduction by Automatic Self Power Gating (ASPG) and Multistage Inverter for Negative Resistance (MINR) in 0.7V, 9.2uW, 39MHz Crystal Oscillator
Shunta Iguchi (Univ. of Tokyo), Akira Saito (STARC), Yunfei Zheng (Univ. of Tokyo), Kazunori Watanabe (STARC), Takayasu Sakurai, Makoto Takamiya (Univ. of Tokyo)
IST, IEICE-ICD 2013-07-04
Hokkaido Sun ref re Hakodate Intermittent Resonant Clocking Enabling Power Reduction at Any Clock Frequency for Near-Threshold Logic Circuits
Hiroshi Fuketa (Univ. of Tokyo), Masahiro Nomura (STARC), Makoto Takamiya, Takayasu Sakurai (Univ. of Tokyo)
IST, IEICE-ICD 2011-07-22
Hiroshima Hiroshima Institute of Technology An 0.5V Transceiver in 65nm CMOS for High-Speed Wireless Proximity Interface
Takeshi Matsubara (Keio Univ.), Isamu Hayashi (STARC), Abul Hasan Johari, Satoshi Kumaki, Kaoru Kohira, Tadahiro kuroda, Hiroki Ishikuro (Keio Univ.)
This paper presents a pulse-based inductive-coupling transceiver in 65nm CMOS for High-speed wireless proximity communic... [more]
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