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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2023-09-15
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A 3.0µm-pixels and 1.5µm-pixels combined CMOS Image Sensor for Viewing and Sensing Applications with 106dB Dynamic Range, High-Sensitivity, LED-Flicker Mitigation and Motion Blur-less
Takaya Yamanaka, Satoko Iida, Yorito Sakano, Daisuke Kawamata, Tomohiro Matsuura, Masahiro Toshida, Masahiro Baba, Hidetoshi Katayama, Junichiro Azami, Shohei Nabeyoshi, Nobuhiko Fujimori, Sungin Han, Adarsh Basavalingappa (Sony)
 [more] IST2023-40
IST 2022-03-28
Online   A 4.9Mpixel Programmable-Resolution Multi-Purpose CMOS Image Sensor for Computer Vision
Hirotaka Murakami, Eric Bohannon, John Childs, Grace Gui, Eric Moule (SEL), Katsuhiko Hanzawa (SSS), Tomofumi Koda (SEL), Chiaki Takano (SSS), Toshimasa Shimizu, Yuki Takizawa (SLSI), Adarsh Basavalingappa, Robert Childs, Cody Cziesler, Robert Jarnot (SEL), Kazumasa Nishimura (SLSI), Scott Rogerson, Yoshikazu Nitta (SEL)
Today’s mobile devices are capable of multiple tasks, including viewing and computer vision. However, these tasks are of... [more] IST2022-10
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