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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2025-03-21
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A 400×400 3.24µm 117dB-Dynamic-Range 3-Layer Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor
Tsung-Hsun Tsai (Meta), Kwuang-Han Chang (Brillnics), Andrew Berkovich, Raffaele Capoccia, Song Chen, Zhao Wang, Chiao Liu (Meta), Yi-Hsuan Lin, ShengYeh Lai, Hao-Ming Hsu, Hirofumi Abe, Kazuya Mori, Hideyuki Fukuhara, Chih-Hao Lin, Toshiyuki Isozaki, Wei-Chen Li, Wei-Fan Chou, Masayuki Uno, Rimon Ikeno, Masato Nagamatsu, Guang Yang, Shou-Gwo Wuu (Brillnics)
IST 2023-09-15
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
110dB High Dynamic Range Continuous Non-Uniform TTS and Linear ADC Scheme Using A 4.6 um Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor
Toshiyuki Isozaki, Kazuya Mori, Ken Miyauchi, Masayuki Uno, Rimon Ikeno, Isao Takayanagi, Junichi Nakamura (Brillnics Japan), Shou-Gwo Wuu (Brillnics), Andrew Berkovich, Song Chen, Wei Gao, Tsung-Hsun Tsai, Chiao Liu (Meta)
 [more] IST2023-45
IST 2023-09-15
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A 3.96µm, 124dB Dynamic Range, 6.2mW Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor with Monochrome and Near-Infrared Dual-Channel Global Shutter Capture
Ken Miyauchi, Isao Takayanagi, Masato Nagamatsu, Hirofumi Abe, Kazuya Mori, Masayuki Uno, Toshiyuki Isozaki, Rimon Ikeno (Brillnics Japan), Hsin-Li Chen, Chih-Hao Lin, Wen-Chien Fu, Shou-Gwo Wuu (Brillnics), Song Chen, Lyle Bainbridge, Qing Chao, Ramakrishna Chilukuri, Wei Gao, Andrew P. Hammond, Tsung-Hsun Tsai, Chiao Liu (Meta)
This paper presents a 3.96μm, 640x640 pixel stacked digital pixel sensor capable of capturing co-located monochrome (Mon... [more] IST2023-46
IST 2021-10-21
Online (Online) A 4.0µm Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor Operating in A Dual Quantization Mode for High Dynamic Range with Global Shutter Operation
Toshiyuki Isozaki, Kazuya Mori, Naoto Yasuda, Ken miyauchi, Isao Takayanagi, Junichi Nakamura, HC Chien, Ken Fu, SG Wuu (BRILLNICS), Andrew Berkovich, Song Chen, Wei Gao, Chiao Liu (Facebook)
 [more] IST2021-49
IST 2021-03-26
Tokyo Online (Tokyo) A 4.6um, 512 x 512, Ultra-Low Power Stacked Digital Pixel Sensor with Triple Quantization and 127dB Dynamic Range
Toshiyuki Isozaki, Kazuya Mori, Rimon Ikeno, Masayuki Uno, Ken Miyauchi, Isao Takayanagi, Junichi Nakamura (BRILLNICS), Lyle Bainbridge, Andrew Berkovich, Song Chen, Wei Gao, Tsung-Hsun Tsai, Chiao Liu (Facebook)
 [more] IST2021-20
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