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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IDY, IEICE-EID, SID-JC [detail] 2014-07-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Invited Lecture] Reflective Multi-view Screen and Mobile Projectors for Communication Displays
Munekazu Date (NTT), Tohru Kawakami, Mutsumi Sasai (Tohoku Univ.), Shiro Ozawa, Satoshi Mieda, Hideaki Takada (NTT), Yoshito Suzuki (Tohoku Univ.), Tatsuo Uchida (Sendai NCT)
A reflective multi-view projection screen for portable video group communication is proposed. Its stack structure of Fre... [more] IDY2014-37
Kochi Kochi University of Technology High Contrast Screen Suppressing Reflection and Diffusion of Ambient Light for Front Projection System
Ryota Sato, Baku Katagiri, Yoshito Suzuki, Mitsuru Kano (Tohoku Univ.), Tatsuo Uchida (Sendai NCT)
Recently, wide variety of displays have been developed and are practically applied. Among them front projection displa... [more] IDY2011-11
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