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 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX, IEICE-IE, IEICE-MI, IST, ME [detail] 2022-05-20
Kumamoto Kumamoto University (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Person Verification Based on Finger-Writing of a Simple Symbol on a Smartphone -- Improvement of polar transformation and effect of fusing uncorrelated features --
Isao Nakanishi, Kazuki Matsuura, Yohei Masegi, Takahiro Horiuchi (Tottori Univ.)
We have studied to authenticate users based on their finger writing.
Users are asked to draw or write a simple symbol ... [more]

IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX, IST, ME [detail] 2020-05-29
Online Online (Online) Gait identification and authentication using LSTM based on 3-axis acceleration of smartphone
Yuji Watanabe, Masaki Kimura (Nagoya City Univ.)
Gait identification and authentication are performed using recurrent neural networks and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) f... [more]
IST, ME, IEICE-BioX [detail] 2016-06-21
Ishikawa Ishikawa-Shiko-Kinen-Bunka-Kouryukan (Ishikawa) Performance Improvement in Person Verification Using Intra-Body Propagation Signals -- Effect of Changing Input Signal and Propagated Path --
Ryutarou Nishi, Itaru Ogushi, Takahiro Murakami, Isao Nakanishi (Tottori Univ.)
In recent years, it has increased the opportunity to use the biometric authentication. However, it is vulnerable to spoo... [more]
ME 2015-02-28
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Writer Authentication using handwritten characters by forefinger on 3D space
Kensuke Sakata, Daisuke Takahashi, Noriyoshi Okamoto (Kanto-Gakuin univ.)
This paper presents a writer authentication method is for handwriting by fingers. In particular, our methods study corre... [more] ME2015-45
IEICE-ITS, IEICE-IE, AIT, HI, ME [detail] 2014-02-18
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Feature Extraction for Handwriting Analysis Using 3D Data by Leap Motion.
Kensuke Sakata, Noriyoshi Okamoto, Daisuke Takahashi (Kanto Gakuin Univ.)
New features for handwriting analysis by Leap Motion are proposed. These features that get finger’s slope, thickness and... [more] HI2014-24 ME2014-24 AIT2014-24
ME, IEICE-BioX 2012-12-11
Saitama Saitama Inst. of Tech. (Saitama) Improvement of ear recognition system based on a morphological classification of ear shape
Yuki Iwakami, Daishi Watabe, Hideyasu Sai, Takanari Minamidani, Katsuhiro Sakai (SIT)
We identify the ear shape that is easy to individualize from the viewpoint of statistics of the morphological classifica... [more] ME2012-128
ME, IEICE-BioX 2012-12-11
Saitama Saitama Inst. of Tech. (Saitama) 3D Gait Data Analysis for Person Authentication
Genki Momose, Hiroki Takahashi (UEC)
This paper aims for analyzing 3D(Dimensional) gait feature for person authentication. Gait is useful even if it is taken... [more] ME2012-132
ME 2012-02-18
Kanagawa Kando Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Biometrics based on ear images taken from separated angles
Yuki Iwakami, Daishi Watabe, Hideyasu Sai, Katsuhiro Sakai (SIT), Osamu Nakamura (kougakuin Univ)
An algorithm that improves the robustness of an ear biometrics system is proposed and targeted for use in surveillance s... [more] ME2012-37
ME, IEICE-IE, IEICE-LOIS, IEE-CMN, IEICE-EMM [detail] 2011-09-21
Ehime (Ehime) Identifying Individuals of Fruits using Agri-biometrics -- Achieving Safe and Reliable Traceability System --
Rui Ishiyama, Yoichi Nakamura, Akira Monden (NEC)
This paper proposes a new method using agri-biometrics to identify individuals of fruit. The method uses only a single i... [more] ME2011-112
ME, IEICE-BS 2010-12-16
Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Tokyo) Camera based biometric person authentication using features extracted from pen holding style
Yuki Hashimoto, Daigo Muramatsu, Hiroyuki Ogata (Seikei Univ)
The manner of holding a pen is distinctive among people. Therefore, pen holding style is useful for person authenticatio... [more] ME2010-164
ME, IEICE-BS 2010-12-16
Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. (Tokyo) A Classification of Attacks against Biometric Authentication Systems
Shoko Yonezawa (Chuo Univ.), Manabu Inuma, Akira Otsuka (AIST), Hideki Imai (Chuo Univ.)
We classify the attacks against biometric authentication systems by attacker's capability and define the security agains... [more] ME2010-172
ME, IEICE-BS 2009-12-04
Nagano Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center (Nagano) Trend of Standardizing on Biometric Template Protection Technologies and Guideline for Evaluation Methodology -- Status of ITU-T SG 17 Q.9: Telebiometrics --
Tetsushi Ohki (Waseda Univ.), Yoshiaki Isobe (Hitachi), Naohisa Komatsu (Waseda Univ.)
Recently, the biometric template protection technologies have been standardized on ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 and ITU-T SG 17. ... [more] ME2009-225
ME, IEICE-BS 2008-12-18
Niigata Niigata Univ. (Niigata) [Tutorial Lecture] Biometric authentication and image processing on mobile phones
Kaoru Uchida (NEC)
Security and camera functions are important and widely used capabilities of mobile phones. I will make a brief survey o... [more]
ME, IST 2008-06-23
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. (Ishikawa) The new feature quantity of human blinking verification and its longitudinal variation of verification rate
Takeshi Kada, Kazuaki Ishikawa, Tadaaki Hosaka, Takayuki Hamamoto (TUS)
We have investigated the dynamic biometrics using the dimensions of irises as a feature, which have not provided the suf... [more] IST2008-21 ME2008-79
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