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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI [detail] 2011-12-10
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Relationship between reading performance of elderly and eye movement
Natsuko Hatsusaka, Yusuke Suzuya, Tetsuo Kawahara, Hiroshi Sasaki (KMU)
Eye movements during reading are consisted of repetitions of saccade and fixation and function effectively. Meanwhile, i... [more] HI2011-91
IEICE-ITS, IEICE-IE, AIT, HI, ME [detail] 2011-02-21
- 2011-02-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido University Development of experience type study contents for medical student who used video image
Keita Suzuki, Hiroshi Nagase, Makoto Hirayama, Guo Qinglian (KIT), Ariyuki Hori, Naohiro Kuroda, Naohiro Simazaki (Kanazawa Medical Univ)
Education in medical school needs to spend sufficient time for practical training of medical examination. However, in m... [more]
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