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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2018-03-09
Tokyo NHK Housou-Gijyutu Lab. (Tokyo) An 8K4K-Resolution 60fps 450ke--Saturation-Signal Organic-Photoconductive-Film Global-Shutter CMOS Image Sensor with In-Pixel Noise Canceller
Kazuko Nishimura, Sanshiro Shishido, Yasuo Miyake, Masaaki Yanagida, Yoshiaki Satou, Makoto Shouho, Hidenari Kanehara, Ryota Sakaida, Yoshihiro Sato, Junji Hirase, Yuko Tomekawa (Panasonic), Yutaka Abe, Hiroshi Fujinaka (PSCS), Yoshiyuki Matsunaga (), Masashi Murakami, Mitsuru Harada, Yasunori Inoue (Panasonic)
We have developed a CMOS image sensor that achieves 8K4K resolution, 450ke- saturation signal, 60fps frame rate, by usin... [more] IST2018-21
IST 2017-03-10
Tokyo NHK Research Lab. Auditorium (Setagaya) (Tokyo) Organic-Film Stacked RGB-IR Image Sensor with Electrically Controllable NIR Sensitivity
Shin'ichi Machida, Sanshiro Shishido, Takeyoshi Tokuhara, Masaaki Yanagida, Takayoshi Yamada, Masumi Izuchi, Yoshiaki Sato, Yasuo Miyake, Manabu Nakata, Masashi Murakami, Mitsuru Harada, Yasunori Inoue (Panasonic)
We developed a visible-NIR organic CMOS image sensor with electrically controllable NIR sensitivity. The sensitivity of ... [more] IST2017-19
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS, CE [detail] 2016-02-23
Hokkaido Hokudai (Hokkaido) Angular Dependence and Effects of Visual Noise in the Angle Visual Illusion in a Road Image
Yusuke Adachi, Yoshiaki Sato, Atsushi Osa (Yamaguchi Univ.)
Stochastic resonance in brightness perception have been reported, which means weak visual signal with noise can be detec... [more] MMS2016-31 CE2016-31 HI2016-31 ME2016-64 AIT2016-31
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