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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI 2024-03-19
Online   A Study on Image Selection for Graduation Albums Based on a Large-scale Pre-trained Model and Face Detection
Hiraku Matsuda, Yuta Muraki (OIT), Kazuyuki Fukuda, Kentaro Wada (DAICOLO CO.,LTD.), Mutsuo Sano (OIT)
When creating a graduation album, there is the task of selecting images to be placed in the layout from among many image... [more] HI2024-21
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology Research on stress reduction of interview experience using AR
Masataka Kondo, Tomokazu Isikawa (Toyo Univ.)
We conducted an experiment on the use of AR technology to reduce nervousness during interviews. In the experiment, an HM... [more] AIT2024-46
MMS, ME, AIT, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2023-02-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. A study of the image captioning method with person names
Naotsuna Fujimori, Takahiro Mochizuki (NHK)
We have been working on image captioning techniques with the main goal of automatically generating audio description. In... [more] MMS2023-29 ME2023-49 AIT2023-29
ME, SIP, TOKAI 2022-12-07
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Short Paper] 3D Facial Recognition for Genetic Studies based on PointNet++
Kazuma Okada, Takuma Terada, Jiaqing Liu (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Tomoko Tateyama (Fujita Health University), Ryosuke Kimura (Ryukyu Univ.), Yen Wei Chen (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
Recently, the development of genetic research has found a relationship between human face shape and genes. By analyzing ... [more] ME2022-88 SIP2022-7
ME 2021-12-13
Online online study on eye closeing to eye opening in group photo for alubm producing support
Jin Zhaohui, Sho Ooi, Mutsuo Sano (oit)
With the development of artificial intelligence in recent years, various industries have been using artificial intellige... [more] ME2021-90
IEICE-SIS, IPSJ-AVM, 3DMT [detail] 2019-06-13
Nagasaki Fukue Culture Center Privacy Preserving Sparse Representation for Face Recognition in Edge and Cloud Networks
Yitu Wang, Takayuki Nakachi (NTT)
The interaction between edge and cloud servers plays an important role in fulfilling the extensive computation requireme... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Kotikame -- Best shot imaging system for animals --
Rin Takahashi, Takayuki Ono, Toshitaka Amaoka (Meisei Univ)
In this research, we propose a camera device that shoots the best shots of animals utilizing face recognition. We define... [more] AIT2019-49
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. An Automatic Portrait Draft Generation Method Based on Layouts of Facial Parts
Xudong Dai, Guangming An, Masaki Abe, Taichi Watanabe (TUT)
We propose a method to automatically generate portrait drafts from face photographs. Prior approaches are methods of com... [more] AIT2019-54
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Web contents for learning "Shigisan-engi-emaki" accessed by voice user interface
Ryosuke Matsuda, Eri Yokoyama, Makoto J. Hirayama (OIT)
A web content for learning “Shigisan-engi-emaki” accessed by voice user interface was made. As a voice user interface (... [more] AIT2019-114
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. User Interface for Tourist Spot Recommendation Applying Generic Object Recognition with Travel Photos
Risa Kitamura, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu Univ.)
Thanks to the recent spread of digital devices, people can take photos easily anytime, and anywhere. Therefore, photos c... [more] AIT2019-131
HI, VRPSY 2018-12-14
Fukuoka Kokura Campus, Univ. Kitakyushu Perceptual learning on emotion recognition of side face
Moeka Nakajima, Katsunori Okajima (Yokohama National Univ.)
It is more difficult and less-accurate to estimate the emotion of a person when viewing his/her face from a side than wh... [more] HI2018-66
IST 2018-11-28
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, TITECH [Poster Presentation] Multi-band plasmonic color filtering through nanostructured metal thin film for RGB-NIR image sensor
Atsutaka Miyamichi, Atsushi Ono, Keiichiro Kagawa, Keita Yasutomi, Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka Univ.)
We propose a novel on-chip color filter consisting of periodic corrugated metallic nano-gratings concentrically surround... [more] IST2018-60
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2018-03-16
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology Tourist Spot Recommendation Applying Generic Object Recognition with Travel Photos
Risa Kitamura, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu Univ.)
Thanks to the recent spread of smartphones and tablets, people can take photos easily anytime, and anywhere. Therefore, ... [more] AIT2018-94
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2018-03-16
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology A User Interface for Digest Movie Creation Focusing on Specific Persons Using Face Recognition
Saki Yamashita, Takayuki Itoh (Ocha Univ.)
We are developing a new method to generate digest videos focusing on specific persons appearing in the video. This metho... [more] AIT2018-96
IST, ME, IEICE-BioX [detail] 2016-06-21
Ishikawa Ishikawa-Shiko-Kinen-Bunka-Kouryukan Input Motion Discrimination Using Time-series Optical Flows for AR Typing Interface for Mobile Devices
Masae Okada (JWU), Masakazu Higuchi, Takashi Komuro (Saitama Univ.), Kayo Ogawa (JWU)
Mobile devices with a small touch screen have a difficulty on entering characters. As the solution, AR Typing Interface ... [more] IST2016-35 ME2016-80
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2015-03-14
Tokyo   Cartoon Face Generation based on Parts-by-parts Morphing
Akiko Komatsu, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu Univ.)
In this paper, we present a face cartoon generation technique that does not have any limitation of the number of sample ... [more] AIT2015-71
HI 2014-11-28
Kumamoto Kumamoto City International Center Temporal properties of material category recognition -- relationship to surface quality features --
Takehiro Nagai (YAMAGATA Univ), Toshiki Matsushima, Kowa Koida, Yusuke Tani, Michiteru Kitazaki, Shigeki Nakauchi (Toyohashi Tech)
We measured reaction times and effects of stimulus durations for material category discrimination tasks in psychophysica... [more] HI2014-63
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2014-11-07
Kagoshima   A Consideration of Face Recognition Based on Automatic Detected Feature Points
Kazuo Ohzeki, Masahiro Takatsuka, Masaaki Kajihara, Yutaka Hirakawa (SIT), Kiyotsugu Sato (CIT)
The authors propose a new face recognition system by an evaluation function using feature points. The feature points are... [more] ME2014-101 AIT2014-120
IEICE-IE, ME, IPSJ-AVM, CE [detail] 2014-08-01
Chiba   Personal Safety Information System with the Face Recognition and Clustering
Wang Hanzheng, Kyota Aoki (Utsunomiya Univ.)
When a large-scale disaster happens, family separated without any preparation. In shelters, we need to provide the safet... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2013-03-15
Kanagawa Keio Univ. An Experience Learning System of Security Incidents with NUI
Ryohei Tsuruoka, Mitsunori Makino (Chuo Univ.)
In this paper, We proposed a system which is possible to experience virtual security incidents first response. The propo... [more] AIT2013-108
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