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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2024-11-08
Tokyo Morito Mem. Hall (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Event-based Computational Imaging using Modulated Illumination
Tsuyoshi Takatani (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Event cameras are often used for ego-motion estimation, high-speed and HDR video reconstruction, and blur removal. Recen... [more] IST2024-57
IST 2020-03-27
Tokyo Kikaishinko kaikan (Tokyo)
A 1280 x 720 Back-Illuminated Stacked Temporal Contrast Event-based Vision Sensor with 4.86μm Pixels, 1.066GEPS Readout, Programmable Event Rate Controller and Compressive Data Formatting Pipeline
Thomas Finateu (Prophesee), Atsumi Niwa (Sony), Daniel Matolin (Prophesee), Koya Tsuchimoto (Sony), Andrea Mascheroni, Etienne Reynaud (Prophesee), Pooria Mostafalu, Frederick Brady (Sony), Ludovic Chotard, Florian LeGoff (Prophesee), Hirotsugu Takahashi, Hayato Wakabayashi, Yusuke Oike (Sony), Christoph Posch (Prophesee)
Event-based vision and image sensors, due to large circuitry in each pixel, benefit from wafer-stacking to achieve compe... [more] IST2020-10
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