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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2024-10-29
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of a polarization screen with anisotropic diffusive reflection for AR 3D display
Sei Sato, Kengo Fujii, Tomohiro Yendo (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)
A 3D display overlaying content in real-world space easily attracts multiple viewers and is expected to be used in enter... [more] 3DMT2024-65
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo) A Study of Exploring Optimal Projector Placement for Wide-Area Projection Through Multi-Objective Optimization and VR Simulation
Motohide Aoki, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
In this paper, we present a system designed to propose optimal projector configurations for image projection in wide-are... [more] AIT2024-78
3DMT 2023-03-06
Tokyo (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Development of aerial 3D display using portable holographic projector
Yuuka Narishima, Yuki Ohnishi, Junai Uchida, Naoki Takada (Kochi Univ.)
It is desired to reduce the risk of contact transmission, one of the transmission routes of infectious diseases in the c... [more] 3DMT2023-1
3DMT 2022-10-18
Tochigi (Tochigi, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
AR 3D display that can be observed by multiple people simultaneously
Sei Sato, Tomohiro Yendo (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)
Transparency 3D displays that have stereoscopic and augmented reality technologies are easy to attract attention of mult... [more] 3DMT2022-59
ME 2022-02-12
Online online (Online) A Study of Projection Mapping in Bright Environments
Ippo Shimamura, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
In recent years, image projection using a projector has been performed as one of the spatial effects at events, and is g... [more] ME2022-22
IEICE-EID, 3DMT, IDY, IEE-OQD, SID-JC [detail] 2021-11-12
Online (Online) Color manipulation for 3D swept-volume display using material-fusion methods
Tananan Tangjitruamboon, Hao-Lun Peng, Yoshihiro Watanabe (Tokyo Tech)
This paper reports a volumetric display using physical materials. In the conventional system, it was difficult to change... [more] IDY2021-22 3DIT2021-47
3DMT 2021-10-19
Online Online (Online) Study on aerial 3D display using retroreflection and holographic projector
Yoshiki Moriguchi, Yoshihiro Oda, Junai Uchida, Yuuka Narishima, Kohei Suzuki, Naoki Takada (Kochi Univ)
With the spread of COVID-19, aerial displays that project real images in the air have been attracting attention. We have... [more] 3DIT2021-33
3DMT 2021-10-19
Online Online (Online) Waveguide using HOE with image magnification
Ryo Kato, Yasuhiro Takaki (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
The waveguides with HOEs have been developed to miniaturize the optical systems used for head mounted displays and smart... [more] 3DIT2021-40
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo)
Demonstration experiment of PC-less projection mapping
Hidekazu Tsujiai (Univ. of Toyama)
I thought about using less equipment to reduce the complexity when displaying the projection mapping. Although a project... [more] AIT2020-57
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo)
Projection mapping on the ceiling of the gondolas on a ferris wheel
Narumi Araya, Rai Ando, Azuri Ishimaru, Hidekazu Tsujiai (Univ. of Toyama)
We put Projection mapping on the ceiling of the gondolas on a ferris wheel(NANAIRO WHEEL) at Mitsui Outlet Park Hokuriku... [more] AIT2020-125
3DMT, HI 2019-03-08
Tokyo Kogakuin Univ. Tokyo Urban Tech Tower Campus (Tokyo) Development of Projector-based Learning System with Single Sheet Recognition
Mami Umezono, Masato Nakajima, Shoji Yamamoto (May be TMCIT.)
We have developed a learning support system by using projector and depth camera. This system has a possibility of record... [more] HI2019-59 3DIT2019-11
IST 2016-11-17
Tokyo TITECH Tamachi Campus (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Synchronization-free single-shot detection of imperceptible AR markers in a high-speed video display
Tsutomu Kusanagi, Shingo Kagami, Koichi Hashimoto (Tohoku Univ.)
In this paper, we propose a method of embedding augmented
reality (AR) markers in a displayed video so that they are
i... [more]
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS, CE [detail] 2016-02-22
Hokkaido Hokudai (Hokkaido) A Projective-AR System for Evaluating Package Universal Design
Masahiro Nishizawa, Katsunori Okajima (YNU)
In recent years, it has been required to be considered universal design (UD) in product packaging. However, the evaluati... [more] MMS2016-3 CE2016-3 HI2016-3 ME2016-36 AIT2016-3
ME 2016-02-20
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Radiometric Compensation with a Projector-Camera System for Independent Camera Viewpoints
Takamitsu Goto, Koki Kosaka (UEC), Keisuke Nonaka, Sei Naito (KDDI R&D Labs.), Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
Recently, projectors are requested to project images in various situations including non-white surfaces. Many radiometri... [more] ME2016-1
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS [detail] 2015-02-23
Hokkaido Hokudai (Hokkaido) Photometric Compensation by Multi-Projection System in Dynamic Environments
Takuya Yoshida, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
Multi-projection systems that have multiple projectors are often used for realizing high brightness displays, wide area ... [more] MMS2015-24 CE2015-24 HI2015-22 ME2015-22 AIT2015-22
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS [detail] 2015-02-23
Hokkaido Hokudai (Hokkaido) A Virtual Dress-Up System with Fast Photometric Compensation and Humanoid 3D Model Projection
Satoshi Ogawa, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
We propose a virtual dress-up system which projects cloth image to the user by using a projector. We use photometric com... [more] MMS2015-26 CE2015-26 HI2015-24 ME2015-24 AIT2015-24
3DMT, IDY 2014-06-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) Status report of REI, a rear projection automultiscopic display technology public viewing
Shoichiro Iwasawa, Makoto Okui, Naomi Inoue (NICT)
NICT established a public viewing site with REI, our automultiscopic display technology. The REI-based prototype has a 2... [more] IDY2014-25 3DIT2014-30
ME 2013-12-09
Fukui Matuyasensen (Fukui) Acquisition of Light Transports Using Coded Illumination
Isao Miyagawa, Hiroyuki Arai, Taniguchi Yukinobu (NTT)
We describe geometrical correspondences between projector pixels and camera pixels for uncalibrated projector-camera sys... [more] ME2013-121
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) High-Resolution Balloon Display with Multiple Projectors
Reiji Watanabe, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
Recently, there are many reports of spatial display. We developed a balloon display with a fish-eye lens last year, but ... [more] ME2013-1
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Easy Projector Calibration with a Depth Sensor
Aya Nagaoka, Naoki Hashimoto (UEC)
Recently, the system using a projector and camera has appeared for some useful applications like geometric correction an... [more] ME2013-2
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