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Technical Group on Broadcasting and Communication Technologies (BCT)  (Searched in: 2009)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2009-10-23 to:2009-10-23'

[Go to Official BCT Homepage (Japanese)] 
Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
BCT 2009-10-23
Aichi NHK Nagoya A study of the SFN-GF system design technology -- Estimate of reflection point of multipath --
Sho Nabatame, Takamasa Kuge, Kohei Ohno, Makoto Itami (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Hiroki Ohta (NICT), Hiroshi Sugawara (Denki Kogyo), Kazuki Kumagai (Hochiki)
A SFN-GF (Single Frequency Network - Gap Filler) is expected to improve a reception quality of the digital terrestrial t... [more] BCT2009-88
BCT 2009-10-23
Aichi NHK Nagoya A study of the propagation characteristics analysis by the channel bandwidth connection
Hiroki Ohta (NICT), Makoto Itani (TUS)
 [more] BCT2009-89
BCT 2009-10-23
Aichi NHK Nagoya Multiplexing schemes for IP packets in digital multimedia broadcasting systems
Shuichi Aoki, Katsunori Aoki, Makoto Yamamoto (NHK)
A growing number of broadcasting systems have an IP-friendly transport mechanism to enable broadcasting services harmoni... [more] BCT2009-90
BCT 2009-10-23
Aichi NHK Nagoya [Special Talk] Production of Live Broadcasting program for Total Solar Eclipse in July 2009
Junji Matsuoka (NHK)
 [more] BCT2009-91
 Results 1 - 4 of 4  /   
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