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Technical Group on Information Sensing Technologies (IST)  (Searched in: 2008)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2008-11-14 to:2008-11-14'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) Anti-blooming FEA-HARP
Yuki Honda, Yoshiro Takiguchi, Masakzu Nanba, Toshihisa Watabe, Norifumi Egami (NHK), Kenta Miya, Kazuhito Nakamura, Masateru Taniguchi (Futaba)
 [more] IST2008-72
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) High speed depth estimation for real-time processing using the tilted lens optics
Hiroshi Ikeoka, Takayuki Hamamoto (TUS)
We have been investigating the depth estimation system by the depth-from-focus (DFF) using tilted focal planes imaging. ... [more] IST2008-73
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) Fabrication of Photo and pH Fused Image Sensors
Hirokazu Nakazawa, Jyunichi Matsuo, Takeshi Hizawa, Hidekuni Takao, Makoto Ishida, Kazuaki Sawada (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)
One of the most useful items of information in the chemical field is the pH. On the other hand the most important inform... [more] IST2008-74
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) [Special Invited Talk] *
Makoto Miyahara
 [more] IST2008-75
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] *
Masaki Hayashi
 [more] IST2008-76
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) Experiments for capturing the full-resolution images of Super Hi-Vision
Takayuki Yamashita, Ryohei Funatsu, Kohji Mitani, Yuji Nojiri (NHK)
We have developed an experimental color image pickup system for ultrahigh definition TV (Super Hi-Vision) with three 33M... [more] IST2008-77
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) An electrochemical chip for an artificial synapstic device
Kyosuke Minagawa, Kiyotaka Sasagawa, Takashi Tokuda, Jun Ohta (NAIST)
A bio-implant device which is capable of releasing chemical compounds in small volume for synaptic stimulation, “artific... [more] IST2008-78
IST, DEEP 2008-11-14
Tokyo NHK STRL (Tokyo) Computing lightness constancy with an APS-based wide dynamic range silicon retina
Kazuhiro Shimonomura, Tetsuya Yagi (Osaka Univ.)
 [more] IST2008-79
 Results 1 - 8 of 8  /   
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