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Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE)  (Searched in: 2023)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2023-11-10 to:2023-11-10'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Assessment of brain activity in an attention control task related to iconic memory
Yosuke Morikawa, Hisashi Yoshida, Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
In this study, we investigated the possibility of monitoring attentional function using an assessment method based on fN... [more] HI2023-15
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Microsaccade detection method based on binocular coordination of the saccadic nervous system
Takahito Doi, Makoto Takeshita, Hisashi Yoshida, Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
The number of patients with age-related eye diseases such as glaucoma is increasing in Japan, where the population is ag... [more] HI2023-16
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Development and effectiveness of a vergence distance correction method for adding appropriate DoF blur during VR observation
Shunki Hashimoto, Katsunori Okajima (Yokohama National Univ.)
When the convergence distance is measured from the viewpoint position during VR observation, there is a "gap" between th... [more] HI2023-18
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) The influence of sustained attention on microsaccade direction
Makoto Takeshita, Takahito Doi, Hisashi Yoshida, Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
It is well known that microsaccades and attentional states are closely related, but the relationship between the directi... [more] HI2023-17
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Time-series AI analysis of whole-body movements in independent elderly and elderly requiring care
Hiroki Kawasaki, Takeshi Kohama, Masanobu Kusunoki (Kindai Univ.), Soichi Okada (Ukai Hospital), Eiji Fujita (National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya), Nobuo Takeshima (Asahi Univ.), William F. Brechue (Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine)
In this study, we performed a 20-second march test (foot-stomping exercise) on women aged 55–90 years. We measured their... [more] HI2023-19
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Pseudo Stickiness Caused by Dynamic Visual Information Between Fingertips
Naoya Motegi, Katsunori Okajima (YNU)
Research on pseudo-haptics caused by modulating visual information has been actively conducted, but the types of tactile... [more] HI2023-20
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-10
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) A study for realizing 3D VR Interface with a sense of agency by a self-view of body -- Proposal for a VR Hand Interaction Method Enabling Precision Finger Manipulation --
Hiroyoshi Komobuchi, Susumu Maruno (OTEMON Gakuin Univ.)
In VR hand interaction, performing consecutive actions such as rotating or inserting objects held in the hand can lead t... [more] HI2023-21
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-11
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) The Relationship between audiovisual integration occurring in two different types of tasks among Japanese speakers
Taku Ishizaki, Shigehito Tanahashi (Niigata Univ.)
The purpose of this study is to reveal the mechanism of audiovisual integration in speech recognition by comparing the e... [more] HI2023-22
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-11
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) Effect of foot contact on the VR motion-sickness of VR swing
Hongyu Pan, Kmika Tsuchihashi, Mitsuhito Ando, Haruo Noma (Rits)
In the VR experience, we often feel dizziness and nausea, such effects prevent the advancement and widespread adoption o... [more] HI2023-23
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2023-11-11
Wakayama Wakayama Big-ai, Room 801 (Wakayama) The effects of visual motion without visual dispalcement on visually induced self-motion perception -- Examination under the condition with an oppositely moving real motion stimulus --
Shinji Nakamura (NFU)
 [more] HI2023-24
 Results 1 - 10 of 10  /   
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