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2009-03-18 10:20
HMDにおける水晶体調節の反応 大森正子(神女大)・長谷川 聡(名古屋文理大)・渡邊智之(愛知学院大)・高田宗樹(岐阜医療科学大)・○宮尾 克(名大)・市川哲也(OVC) |
抄録 |
(和) |
ヘッドマウントディスプレイ(HMD)で,3D(立体)表示,Sky Vision(クロスポイント撮影方式で遠近に応じた視差をつけてある), Power3D表示(視覚負担のすくない新しい立体表示方法)の3種類の立体映像を注視している被験者の水晶体調節距離を測定した.HMDにおいても, 左右視差の変化に追従した水晶体調節が見られた.この結果は,HMDであっても3D立体映像の動きとともに,毛様体筋,毛様体小帯は,近望時には緊張し,遠望時には緊張緩和していることが客観的に確認された. |
(英) |
Stereoscopic head mounted display (HMD) are now widely spread for ubiquitous virtual reality in the world. But visual functions for stereoscopic HMDs have not studied much yet. Especially, lens accommodation for stereoscopic HMDs have not measured yet, because the eye balls are very close to the HMDs. To investigate the effects of stereoscopic images on human vision, we measured lens accommodation in subjects as they watched 3-dimensional (3D) images on a head mounted display (HMD). Lens accommodation was measured for 40 sec as subjects gazed at 3D images on HMDs. In this report we give the results of measurements of lens accommodation when subjects gazed at Power 3DTM, Sky VisionTM, and ordinary 3D with natural binocular vision. We carried out the experiments on lens accommodation to the stereoscopic vision on HMDs. Actual accommodation for stereoscopic view on HMDs were confirmed. Stereoscopic Since HMDs should be promising device for ubiquitous virtual reality, further research including 3D image sickness would be expected. |
キーワード |
(和) |
立体視 / 立体表示装置 / ヘッドマウントディスプレイ / 水晶体調節 / / / / |
(英) |
stereoscopic vision / 3-D display / HMD / lens accommodation / / / / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報, vol. 33, 2009年3月. |
資料番号 |
発行日 |
2009-03-10 (3DIT) |
Print edition: ISSN 1342-6893 |
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