講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2011-09-08 14:55
映像伝送のための無線LAN冗長経路切替手法の一検討 ○黒住正顕・小山智史・小田周平・青木勝典(NHK) |
抄録 |
(和) |
これまで,アクセスポイントを複数用いてハンドオーバーさせたり,アドホックネットワークによるメッシュ型無線 LAN など,途切れない伝送を目的とした研究が行われている.
そこで,一般の無線 LAN 装置を用いて複数の経路を構築し,プローブパケットにより各経路の通信状態を監視し切り替えることで,伝送映像が途切れないシステムを構築した.
本稿では,その制御手法および伝送映像が途切れないプローブパケットの送信条件について論ずる. |
(英) |
Progress of video coding technologies and speed up of wireless LAN are enabling short range wireless transmission from mobile camera to base station.
However, this wireless transmission was often disconnected by
deteriorating signals or blocking.
To avoid this disconnection, multiple wireless access points work with wireless LAN controller to hand over connections or mobile ad hoc network technology to make detour path are used.
Since these technologies require wireless devices to measure signal strength and to make use of them for route controller, they can't be applied to generic wireless LAN devices.
We therefore made a redundant path switcher which make use of commodity wireless devices.
It monitors path condition by periodical probing packet.
In this paper, its switching mechanism and its probing conditions for preventing transmission errors are discussed. |
キーワード |
(和) |
無線LAN / 冗長経路切替 / プローブパケット / 映像伝送 / / / / |
(英) |
Wireless LAN / Redundant Path Switch / Probe Packet / Video Streaming / / / / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報 |
資料番号 |
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