講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2014-02-17 11:30
Alamouti符号化を用いたイメージセンサ可視光通信 ○天野裕太・鎌倉浩嗣(千葉工大)・山里敬也(名大) |
抄録 |
(和) |
実証実験の結果,誤りなし伝送距離が,反復送信方式では26,mであったのに対して,STC方式では48,mにまで拡大できたことを示す. |
(英) |
This paper proposes Alamouti-type space time (ST) coding to visible light communication (VLC) using light emitting diodes (LEDs) and image sensor with a high-speed camera.
Although multiple LEDs of an array are used as transmitters, the received signal is essentially the image of the transmitting element, whose size in pixel reduces with distance.
When the receiver captures the LED array at a distance where images of two neighboring LEDs in the array are not separated at the image plane,
such distortion depreciates the symbol decision quality.
Our proposed scheme aims at expanding the communication range limited by the pixel resolution of image sensor.
Our implemented prototype demonstrates that ST coding is feasible to achieve 48,m error-free transmission range while the repetition transmission achieves 26,m error-free range. |
キーワード |
(和) |
可視光通信 / 自由空間光 / 光無線通信 / LED信号機 / Alamouti型時空間符号化(STC) / 強度変調と直接検波 / イメージセンサ通信 / |
(英) |
Visible light communications / Free-space optical systems / Optical wireless communications / LED traffic lights / Alamouti type space-time coding (STC) / Intensity modulation and direct detection / Image sensor communication / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報 |
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