講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2015-11-14 09:40
皮膚感覚からの自己運動知覚を前庭刺激との関係から検討(3) ~ 刺激強度変化の影響 ~ ○村田佳代子(首都大東京)・小松英海(慶大)・石原正規(首都大東京)・市原 茂(メディア・アイ)・増田直衛(静岡産大) |
抄録 |
(和) |
被験者の身体に一定の前庭刺激(振動)を与えた状態で,皮膚刺激(風)を顔に呈示すると自己運動 知覚が生じることが示されている(Murata et al , 2014).本研究では,風の発生源と顔の距離を連続的に変化させ ることで,皮膚に当たる風の強度を実験的に操作し,「刺激強度変化の有無」が自己運動知覚に及ぼす影響を検討 した.実験条件は,風の発生源を被験者に向けて移動させる条件と,台に載せた被験者を風の発生源に向けて移動 させる条件の 2 つであった.また統制条件として,風の発生源と被験者の距離を変化させず一定に保った状態で, 両者を載せた台が移動する条件と,台は移動しないが移動時の振動と同等の振動を台に与える条件を用いた.自己 運動知覚の指標として,潜時,持続時間,主観的評定値を測定した.また各試行後に知覚された自己運動の方向お よび距離について回答させた.実験結果は刺激強度変化(アプローチに伴う増加)があるとより強い自己運動が生 じることを示した. |
(英) |
Cutaneous stimulation (i.e., wind blowing to the participants’ face) accompanied with a constant vestibular stimulus (vibration) to their body induced perceived self-motion (Murata et al., 2014). In the present study, the intensity of the wind was manipulated by continuously changing the distance from the source of the wind to the face. There were two experimental conditions of this manipulation: One was the condition to move the source of the wind toward the participant sitting on a chair (placed on a board), and another was to move the participant toward the source. Additionally two control-conditions without stimulus intensity changes by keeping the same distance between the source and face were used:
These were the condition of moving both the source and participant on the board, and the condition of no moving but providing vibrations (that was subjectively identical to the board moving per se) to the chair. The latency, duration, and subjective rating were measured as indices of perceived self-motion. After each trial, the participants were also asked to indicate the direction and distance of perceived self-motion. The result showed that the incremental increases of stimulus intensity induced stronger self-motion perception. |
キーワード |
(和) |
自己運動知覚 / 皮膚感覚 / 前庭感覚 / / / / / |
(英) |
Self-motion Perception / Cutaneous Sensation / Vestibular System / / / / / |
文献情報 |
映情学技報, vol. 39, pp. 39-41, 2015年11月. |
資料番号 |
発行日 |
2015-11-06 (HI) |
Print edition: ISSN 1342-6893 Online edition: ISSN 2424-1970 |
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