講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2018-09-25 14:50
[一般講演]近赤外線マルチスペクトルシステム技術を用いた次世代カラー動画眼底カメラ ~ 高速Vision知能システムの応用 ~ ○角 博文(東大)・竹原浩成・白髭大貴・宮崎駿佑・笹川清隆・徳田 崇(奈良先端大)・岸 則政・渡辺義浩(東大)・太田 淳(奈良先端大)・石川正俊(東大) |
抄録 |
(和) |
This research describes the development of the next-generation of fundus cameras with a high frame-rate, based on intelligent imaging technologies. In one of several POCs (Proof of Concepts) for Dynamic Intelligent Systems using High-Speed Vision, we aimed to develop a solution system that can be used as a camera to facilitate tracking of fast movement of the eye. Further, these cameras can acquire images in multi-band spectral ranges for the signals NIR1, NIR2, and NIR3 which correspond to visible light R, B, and G respectively based on near-infrared spectral imaging technology. And potential application of this compact camera is to capture diagnostic health information, which will allow for control and active health management by individuals. |
(英) |
This research describes the development of the next-generation of fundus cameras with a high frame-rate, based on intelligent imaging technologies. In one of several POCs (Proof of Concepts) for Dynamic Intelligent Systems using High-Speed Vision, we aimed to develop a solution system that can be used as a camera to facilitate tracking of fast movement of the eye. Further, these cameras can acquire images in multi-band spectral ranges for the signals NIR1, NIR2, and NIR3 which correspond to visible light R, B, and G respectively based on near-infrared spectral imaging technology. And potential application of this compact camera is to capture diagnostic health information, which will allow for control and active health management by individuals. |
キーワード |
(和) |
High frame rate / CMOS sensor / Near infrared / Multi-Spectral / Color image / Medical / Fundus camera / Vision sensor |
(英) |
High frame rate / CMOS sensor / Near infrared / Multi-Spectral / Color image / Medical / Fundus camera / Vision Sensor |
文献情報 |
映情学技報, vol. 42, no. 30, IST2018-50, pp. 13-16, 2018年9月. |
資料番号 |
IST2018-50 |
発行日 |
2018-09-18 (IST) |
Print edition: ISSN 1342-6893 Online edition: ISSN 2424-1970 |
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