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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 5 of 5  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
BCT, IEEE-BT 2020-09-04
Online Online (Online) A study of LDM system for DTTB -- Production of modulator and demodulator --
Kazuki Imamura, Takeshi Anazawa, Hiromasa Okada, Takahiro Mori, Tomomi Fukazawa, Toru Takabayashi, Yasubumi Honma, Yutaka Shibata (TBS)
We have proposed a method of providing both current 2K and 4K broadcasting service on the same timing and on the same fr... [more] BCT2020-61
BCT, IEEE-BT 2020-09-04
Online Online (Online) A study of LDM system for DTTB -- Evaluation of transmission characterristic --
Hiromasa Okada, kazuki Imamura, Takeshi Anazawa, Takahiro Mori, Tomomi Fukazawa, Toru Takabayashi, Yasubumi Honma, Yutaka Shibata (TBS)
We have proposed a method of providing both current 2K and 4K broadcasting service on the same timing and on the same fr... [more] BCT2020-62
BCT, IEEE-BT 2018-09-07
Iwate MALIOS Morioka-Chiiki-Kouryu-Center (Iwate) A Consideration on Improvement of Various Problems in Application of LDM to DTTB -- Next Broadcasting System Service Area Expansion Method and Consideration on synchronization method --
Hiromasa Okada, Kazuki Imamura, Takeshi Anazawa, Toru Takabayashi, Yutaka Shibata, Yasubumi Honma (TBS)
 [more] BCT2018-76
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Using LDM system to current digital terrestrial broadcasting and 4K-UHD broadcasting Study on technical method to transmit on the same channel
Takeshi Anazawa, Hiromasa Okada, Kazuki Imamura, Toru Takabayashi, Yutaka Shibata, Yasubumi Honma (TBS-TV)
In Japan, it is difficult to newly secure the 4K terrestrial broadcasting channel, so it is required to study the way to... [more] BCT2018-68
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) A consideration and trial production about FPU apply to LDM
Kazuki Imamura, Takeshi Anazawa, Hiromasa Okada, Toru Takabayashi, Tomomi Fukazawa (TBS), Shinya Oyamada, Tatsuhiro Nakada (Hitachi Kokusai Electric)
LDM (Layaerd Division Mulitiplexing) method has been proposed as one of techniques for improving frequency utilization e... [more] BCT2018-69
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