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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IST 2022-01-31
Online (Online) 1
Kenta Endo, Yoshinori Matsui, Keisuke Uchida, Naoya Matsumoto, Hideki Hongo, Yukinobu Sugiyama (Hamamatsu Photonics)
 [more] IST2022-8
IST 2018-11-28
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, TITECH (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Joint optimization for compressive video sensing and reconstruction under hardware constraints
Michitaka Yoshida (Kyushu Univ.), Akihiko Torii, Masatoshi Okutomi (Tokyo Tech), Kenta Endo, Yukinobu Sugiyama (Hamamatsu Photonics K. K.), RIn-ichiro Taniguchi (Kyushu Univ.), Hajime Nagahara (Osaka Univ.)
Compressive video sensing is the process of encoding multiple sub-frames into a single frame with controlled sensor expo... [more] IST2018-59
IST 2016-11-17
Tokyo TITECH Tamachi Campus (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] [Poster Presentation]High-Speed Imaging using CMOS Image Sensor with Quasi Pixel-Wise Exposure
Toshiki Sonoda, Hajime Nagahara (Kyushu Univ.), Kenta Endo, Yukinobu Sugiyama (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.), Rin-ichiro Taniguchi (Kyushu Univ.)
 [more] IST2016-52
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