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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD 2012-01-28
Akita Akita University (Akita) Fabrication of Two-layered UV-curable Liquid Crystal Polymer Film using New Photo-Alignment Film
Keisuke Mase (Tokyo Univ. of A & T), Takanori Matuyama (OSAKA ORGANIC CHEMICAL), Yasufumi Iimura (Tokyo Univ. of A & T)
 [more] IDY2012-5
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD 2012-01-28
Akita Akita University (Akita) Control of LC Orientation on New Photo-alignment Film
Shoji Inoue (Tokyo University of A&T), Takanori Matsuyama (Osaka Organic Chemical), Yasufumi iimura (Tokyo University of A&T)
Recently, a photo-alignment method ,which is a noncontact and clean process, attracts people’s interest against a rubbin... [more] IDY2012-6
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD 2012-01-28
Akita Akita University (Akita) Development of Process Technologies and Their Characterization for Flexible LCDs
Masaki Yamamoto, Yuta Nasukawa (Tokyo Univ. of), Takanori Matuyama (Osaka Organic Chemical), Yasufumi Iimura (Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Univ. of A&T)
Recently, flexible LCDs using plastic substrates are expected to become next-generation LCDs due to their light weight a... [more] IDY2012-9
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