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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
(Joint) [detail]
Niigata Nagaoka University of Technology (Niigata) 2-Dimensional Beam Steering of Millimeter-Wave Band Array-Antenna by Radio over Fiver
yoshihiro Nishikawa (Tokyo Tech.), Masayuki Ooishi, Shigeyuki akiba (KDDI R&D Labs.), Jiro HIrokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Tech.)
(Advance abstract in Japanese is available) [more]
BCT, IEICE-AP 2012-02-10
Hiroshima (Hiroshima) Loss reduction by air-region insertion to LTCC rectangular-waveguide slot array antenna in the millimeter-wave band
Yuanfeng She, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Daisuke Hanatani, Masahiro Fujimoto (Hirai Seimitsu Corp.)
In the millimeter-wave bands, the series-fed array antenna is facing a problem of large transmission loss and narrow ban... [more]
BCT, IEICE-AP 2012-02-10
Hiroshima (Hiroshima) Estimation and measurement of Cylindrical wave propagation in Honeycomb for the use in mm-wave RLSA
Rushanthi Sachithra Jayawardene, Tung Xuan Nguyen, Yasutomo Takano, Kimio Sakurai, Takuichi Hirano, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Osamu Amano, Takaomi Matsuzaki, Shuichi Koreeda (NT Space)
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