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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
3DMT 2023-10-02
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Tutorial Invited Lecture] From Mathematical Modeling to Data-Driven Optimization -- Compressive Light Field Acquisition Undergoes Paradigm Shift --
Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.)
The light field is a basic representation for 3-D visual information, and it is usually treated as a set of images taken... [more] 3DMT2023-35
ME 2022-02-12
Online online Assembly of square jigsaw puzzles
Ayumu Nakaya, Keita Takahashi, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama (Utsunomiya Univ.)
 [more] ME2022-6
ME 2021-02-27
    Assembly of rectangle piece jigsaw puzzles
Keita Takahashi, Naoya Ohshima, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama (Utsunomiya Univ)
Solving jigsaw puzzles by computer is typical pattern recognition and combinatrial optimization problems. In this paper,... [more] ME2021-36
3DMT 2020-10-20
Online Online Basic Study on Vision Correction on Display Using Micro-Lens Array
Yoichi Ishikawa, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
 [more] 3DIT2020-26
IEICE-IE, IEICE-CS, IPSJ-AVM, BCT [detail] 2019-12-06
Iwate Aiina Center Adversarial Examples for Monocular Depth Estimation CNN
Koichiro Yamanaka, Ryutaroh Matsumoto, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
Adversarial examples for classification and object recognition problems using convolutional neural net- works (CNN) have... [more]
IEE-CMN, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEICE-IE, ME [detail] 2018-09-27
Oita Beppu Int'l Convention Ctr. aka B-CON Plaza [Special Talk] Coded Acquistion of Light Fields -- From Basis Representation to Deep Learning --
Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.)
IEICE-IE, ME, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2018-07-17
Tokyo   Fast and Robust Disparity Estimation for Real World Light Fields
Gou Houben, Shu Fujita, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
IST 2018-06-27
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Sci.-Morito-Kinenkan [Invited Talk] From Multi-View Images to Light Field -- Acquisition, Processing, and Displaying Methods Suitable for Dense Light-Ray Information --
Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.)
 [more] IST2018-42
IEICE-CS, IEICE-IE, IPSJ-AVM, BCT [detail] 2017-11-30
Aichi   Quality Improvement of Free Viewpoint Visual Hull Voxel Model Using RGB Color Space Clustering
Yusuke Uemoto, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
ME, IEICE-IE, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2017-08-03
Tokyo NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories Information reduction for integral imaging and video coding for multi views
Kazuhiro Hara, Miwa Katayama (NHK), Tomoki Oooka, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.), Masahiro Kawakita (NHK)
We have been developing the most suitable video coding for an integral 3D image to implement a 3D television service. To... [more] ME2017-84
ME, IEICE-IE, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2017-08-03
Tokyo NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories Displaying Real Images on a Layered 3D Display Considering Light Ray Projection Models
Sho Mikawa, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
Aichi Chukyo Univ. Nagoya Campus High Quality Free Viewpoint Sports Video Generation Using Visual Hull Techniques
Tetta Maeda, Mehrdad Panahpour Tehrani, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii (Nagoya Univ.)
We study generation of a 3D model of sport events on a large field with visual hull using multi-view videos that were ta... [more]
IEICE-ITS, IEICE-IE, AIT, HI, ME [detail] 2014-02-17
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. LED Array Acquisition Method Based on Time-gradient and Space-gradient Values for Road to Vehicle Visible Light Communication Using High-Speed Camera
Syunsuke Usui, Takaya Yamazato, Hiraku Okada, Toshiaki Fujii, Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.), Tomohiro Yendo (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Shintaro Arai (Kagawa National Col. of Tech.)
IST 2013-11-15
Shizuoka Sanaru Hall, Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) Real-Time Super-Resolved Free-Viewpoint Image Synthesis from an Array of 25 Cameras
Ryo Nakashima (The Univ. of Tokyo), Koichi Hamada (The Univ. of Tokyo/Hitachi Ltd.), Keita Takahashi (Nagoya Univ.), Takeshi Naemura (The Univ. of Tokyo)
This paper presents a system that performs real-time super-resolved free-viewpoint image synthesis, in which, from a giv... [more] IST2013-68
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Path routing of mobile robot with speed control considering blind area of vision sensors
Shuhei Tomita, Keita Takahashi, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
Mobile robots must be aware of the surrounding environment by the sensor. The robot cannot avoid a collision with a walk... [more] ME2013-14
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Warm-hearted guide robot accompanying a user hand in hand
Hitoshi Miyazaki, Keita Takahashi, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2013-15
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Developing Presentation Robot that Can Communicate and Interact with the Audience
Koubun Ei, Keita Takahashi, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2013-17
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Movement control of accompanying robot based on artificial potential field adapted to dynamic environments
Kazushi Nakazawa, Keita Takahashi, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2013-18
ME 2013-02-16
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Facial Expression Recognition Under Partial Occlusion Based on Facial Region Segmentation
Gibran Benitez-Garcia (NPI of Mexico/UEC), Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Hector Perez-Meana (NPI of Mexico), Keita Takahashi, Masahide Kaneko (UEC)
 [more] ME2013-26
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2012-11-15
Kagoshima Kagoshima Univ. Performance Evaluation and Quality Improvement of Super-Resolved Free-Viewpoint Image Synthesis.
Koichi Hamada (The Univ. of Tokyo/Hitachi, Ltd.), Ryo Nakashima (The Univ. of Tokyo), Keita Takahashi (The Univ. of Electro-Communications), Takeshi Naemura (The Univ. of Tokyo)
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