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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
BCT, IEEE-BT 2016-02-19
Hokkaido Kanpo-No-Yado (Otaru) (Hokkaido) [Memorial Lecture] Development of the V-High Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Technologies
Tomoyuki Ohya (mmbi)
The V-High multimedia broadcasting NOTTV service will be terminated as of the end of June, 2016, after about 4 years ope... [more] BCT2016-32
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-07-30
Hokkaido (Hokkaido) Development of Remote Master Control Platform for V-High Multimedia Broadcasting
Toshiharu Morizumi (mmbi), Akihiko Nakao (TOSHIBA), Makoto Yamada (NEC), Takayuki Suzuki, Tomoyuki Ohya (mmbi)
Six new channels from five broadcasters were started from April 1, 2015 on V-High multimedia broadcasting. We developed ... [more] BCT2015-56
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-06-05
Tokyo mmbi, Inc. (Tokyo) Experiment on Limited Area Simultaneous Broadcasting
Tomoyuki Ohya, Toshiharu Morizumi (mmbi)
We conducted an experiment on Wi-Fi live streaming targeting to smartphone and tablet terminals in an indoor event site,... [more] BCT2015-44
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-06-05
Tokyo mmbi, Inc. (Tokyo) [Special Talk] The latest trend of V-High multimedia broadcasting
Tomoyuki Ohya (mmbi), Takeshi Higuchi (NTT docomo)
A multimedia broadcasting for mobile devices has been provided since April 2012 using the spectrum from 207.5 MHz to 220... [more] BCT2015-49
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-03-13
Kagoshima (Kagoshima) Devepment of CAS Card for V-High Multimedia Broadcasting.
Yuri Seki, Toshiharu Morizumi, Tomoyuki Ohya (mmbi)
 [more] BCT2015-36
BCT, IEEE-BT 2015-03-13
Kagoshima (Kagoshima) Improved Efficient for V-High Storage-type Multimedia Broadcasting
Tomohiro Kondo, Toshiharu Morizumi, Tomoyuki Ohya (mmbi)
The storage-type broadcasting service has variety of transmission parameters to improve the reception probability of the... [more] BCT2015-37
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