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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 14 of 14  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology Perception of Response Time in Dialogue Generation AI with Various Fillers
Keiya Shimakage, Hirokazu Yasuhara, Koji Mikami (TUT)
Interactive character content using sentence generation AI recognizes the user's utterance and then generates a response... [more] AIT2024-85
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology Card game AI applying reinforcement learning with Unity ML-Agents
Tatsuya Watanabe, Junichi Yamamoto (THCU)
In recent years, there has been active research in game AI, with AI agents reaching the level of professional players in... [more] AIT2024-138
IEICE-MVE, HI, VRSJ, HI-SIG-DeMO, IPSJ-HCI, IPSJ-EC [detail] 2023-05-31
Tokyo Univ. of Tokyo
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Effect of Agents' Number and Behaviors in VR Disaster Evacuation Drill
Naoki Matsumura, Kensuke Sugihara, Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.)
This study aims to build effective drill software by combining a virtual simulation of the disaster and that of multiple... [more]
HI, VRPSY, JSKE 2022-11-25
Osaka Kindai Univ. Construction of a model that corrects on-screen agent gazing considering interaction between screen turn angle and "Faceness"
Dai Taniguchi (Osaka Univ.), Kohei Ogawa (Nagoya Univ.), Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka Univ.)
On-screen agents projected on a flat screen have problems correctly recognizing the object of gazing at when interacting... [more] HI2022-29
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online Cost-constrained multi-agent route search maximizing the total value of transited nodes
Kanau Shibayama, Masaki Abe, Taichi Watanabe (TUT)
The current Vehicle Routing Problem always traverses all nodes, which makes the cost unrealistic depending on the situat... [more] AIT2022-108
IEICE-MVE, HI, VRSJ 2021-06-02
Online Online Expressive Agent Responding to User's Smile for Amplifying Their Smile and Positive Emotion
Shinji Iwata, Naoto Yoshida (Nagoya Univ.), Tomoko Yonezawa (Kansai Univ.), Yu Enokibori, Kenji Mase (Nagoya Univ.)
By utilizing facial mimicry phenomena and emotion contagion theories, we propose a concept of an interactive agent that ... [more]
Online Online Verification of the Effect of the COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application on Decreasing the Number of Infected Persons Based on a Multi Agent Simulation
Yuto Omae, Jun Toyotani, Kazuyuki Hara, Yasuhiro Gon (NU), Hirotaka Takahashi (TCU)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology
Visualization and Sonification of Infection -- Sensitivity Analysis of Multi-Agent System to Space Structural Metamorphosis --
Mitsuhiro Odaka (SOKENDAI)
Multi-agent system is used to model the processes including the spreading process of infectious diseases, where agents m... [more] AIT2020-72
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2014-03-17
Tokyo   An Evaluation of demand bus for Urban Traffic flow Simulation in Virtual City Spaces
Keito Aoki, Kazunori Mizuno, Tsukasa Tsuboyama (Takushoku Univ.), Seiichi Nishihara (Tsukuba Univ.)
Demand bus systems can be significant for vulnerable road users who depend on public traffic systems. However... [more] AIT2014-86
ME 2014-02-22
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Automated Music Performance System with Virtual and Real Players Based on Multiple Agent Simulation
Ryosuke Nakamura, Izumi Watanabe, Toshiyuki Gotoh, Naoyoshi Tamura, Hiroshi Shimada (YNU)
In an orchestra performance, performers interactively exchange information such as tempo, volume, and pitch under the co... [more] ME2014-45
ME 2013-12-09
Fukui Matuyasensen Pulmonary blood flow analysis of aorta and pulmonary artery contribution using contrast enhanced MRI
Masaki Ichikawa, Toshiyuki Gotoh, Seiichiro Kagei (YNU), Tae Iwasawa (KCRC)
This paper proposes a new pulmonary blood flow analysis with a two input model which evaluates aorta and pulmonary arter... [more] ME2013-122
Hokkaido Hakodate-Simin-Kaikan A measure for protecting small-powered repeater of terrestrial DTV from cold temperature by using regenerating agent
Haname Arai, Kanji Hatada (NHK)
The storage batteries are prepared in small-powered repeater of terrestrial DTV as a reserve power supply at the time of... [more] BCT2012-67
IST, ME 2011-06-20
Ishikawa Kanazawa Univ. Multi agent-type learning algorithm to simulate fish behaviors for Visual Marine Museum
Naiki Onishi, Chie Fujiwara, Tomoko Tateyama, Kazutoshi Sakakibara, Yen-Wei Chen (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
In this paper, we propose the agent-based architecture to simulate fish behaviors for Visual Marine Museum. We introduce... [more] IST2011-34 ME2011-66
ME 2011-02-19
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. Calibration of Gd-Contrast Agent and Perfusion Analysis for Sequential Lung MR Images
Tomoki Saka, Toshiyuki Gotoh, Seiichiro Kagei (Yokohama National Univ.), Tae Iwasawa (Kanagawa Cardiovascuiar and Respiratory Center)
Cancer cells induce capillary growth (angiogenesis) into the tumor for its expansion. Gd contrast agents are commonly u... [more] ME2011-6
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