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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
BCT, IEEE-BT 2019-03-15
Nagasaki Izuharachiku-Kouminkan (Tsushima City) (Nagasaki) A Study on Channel Estimation Using Compressed Sensing-based Extrapolation for OFDM Systems
Yukiko Shimbo, Hirofumi Suganuma (Waseda Univ.), Hiromichi Tomeba, Takashi Onodera, Hideo Namba (Sharp), Fumiaki Maehara (Waseda Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] BCT2019-40
IST 2018-11-28
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, TITECH (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] Joint optimization for compressive video sensing and reconstruction under hardware constraints
Michitaka Yoshida (Kyushu Univ.), Akihiko Torii, Masatoshi Okutomi (Tokyo Tech), Kenta Endo, Yukinobu Sugiyama (Hamamatsu Photonics K. K.), RIn-ichiro Taniguchi (Kyushu Univ.), Hajime Nagahara (Osaka Univ.)
Compressive video sensing is the process of encoding multiple sub-frames into a single frame with controlled sensor expo... [more] IST2018-59
IST 2018-11-28
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, TITECH (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] [Poster Presentation] Lensless imaging by coded image sensors
Tomoya Nakamura (Tokyo Tech.), Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ.), Shiho Torashima, Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tokyo Tech.)
This paper presents a novel architecture of the lensless camera using coded image sensors, which equip spatially-randomi... [more] IST2018-74
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2018-03-16
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology (Tokyo) Trial and consideration of making a aerial photography system using a toy drone -- - - --
Adiljan Yimit, Iigura Kouji (AUA)
Drones weighing less than 200g are classified as model aircrafts and are not subject to the "Japan's safety rules on Unm... [more] AIT2018-98
BCT, IEEE-BT 2017-10-20
Fukushima ApioSpace (Fukushima) Research and Development on a Mobile Wireless Link System for Ultra High Definition Broadcasting Program Contribution
Naohiko Iai (NHK), Hikoichi Saito (NHK Integrated Technology Inc.), Mitsuru Uesugi (Panasonic), Atsushi Miyashita (HiKE), Tomohiro Saito (NHK)
The authors are conducting research on a next generation mobile Field Pick-up Unit (FPU) system that enables wirelessly ... [more] BCT2017-81
BCT, IEEE-BT 2017-10-20
Fukushima ApioSpace (Fukushima) Study of Spectrum Sensing for Mobile Transmission FPU System
Hiroaki Sudo, Kazuhiro Kosaka, Hideki Kanemoto, Noriyuki Gejoh, Takeshi Yasunaga, Mitsuru Uesugi (Panasonic)
Time Division Duplex (TDD)-based bidirectional digital field pick-up unit (FPU) system is now studying. Hence this digit... [more] BCT2017-87
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2017-10-06
Nagasaki (Nagasaki) Compressive Sensing and Recovery of Binary Images Based on DCT
Yusuke Zaitsu, Koichi Ichige (YNU)
In this paper, we present a method of compressive sensing and recovery of binary images based on Discrete Cosine Transfo... [more] ME2017-111 AIT2017-170
IEICE-SDM, IEICE-ICD, IST [detail] 2017-08-01
Hokkaido Hokkaido-Univ. Multimedia Education Bldg. (Hokkaido) [Invited Talk] "Sensing & Control + Think" Technology
Hironobu Kiyomoto (OMRON)
There are various information including human thoughts and intentions, human physical conditions, positions and states o... [more] IST2017-46
ME 2017-02-18
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Accurate Speech Enhancement Method using Compressive Sensing with Variable Sparse Level
Yusuke Zaitsu, Koichi Ichige (YNU)
In this paper, we propose an accurate speech enhancement method using Compressive Sensing with Variable Sparse Level. Co... [more] ME2017-22
BCT, IEEE-BT 2016-10-21
Aomori Aomorishi-Bunka-Kaikan (Aomori) Time Domain Compressed Sensing based Channel Estimation in Fast Fading Channel with Fractional Delay
Ryan Paderna, Duong Quang Thang, Yafei Hou, Takeshi Higashino, Minoru Okada (NAIST)
This paper evaluates the performance of the proposed compressed sensing (CS) based channel estimator (CE) in fast fading... [more] BCT2016-74
BCT, IEEE-BT 2016-02-18
Hokkaido Kanpo-No-Yado (Otaru) (Hokkaido) Compressed Sensing based Channel Impulse Response Estimation for Space Time Block Coding Single Frequency Network in DTV System
Ryan Paderna, Duong Quang Thang, Yafei Hou, Takeshi Higashino, Minoru Okada (NAIST)
This system uses a low complexity channel estimation for space time block coding in a single frequency network digital t... [more] BCT2016-22
BCT, IEEE-BT 2016-02-18
Hokkaido Kanpo-No-Yado (Otaru) (Hokkaido) Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation in ISDB-T System without Cyclic Prefix
Rian Ferdian, Yafei Hou, Minoru Okada (NAIST)
Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial (ISDB-T) is using orthogonal frequency division and multiplexing (O... [more] BCT2016-24
ME 2015-12-10
Kanagawa Toin Univ. of Yokohama (Kanagawa) Accelerating Magnetic Resonance Three-Dimensional Imaging with Compressed Sensing and Multi-GPU Computing
Yuta Onodera, Satoshi Ito, Yoshifumi Yamada (Utsunomiya Univ.)
Compressed sensing (CS) has inspired significant interest because of its potential to reduce data acquisition time. Howe... [more] ME2015-121
3DMT 2015-03-09
Ibaraki (Ibaraki) Light field display with 3D image touch interface
Ryo Higashida, Masahiro Yamaguchi (Tokyo Tech)
We propose a touchable 3D image user interface by capturing a scattered light generated when a user touches a real image... [more] 3DIT2015-10
IST 2014-12-01
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) [Invited Talk] Column-parallel oversampled ADCs for high performance CMOS image sensors
Youngcheol Chae (Yonsei Univ.)
In this paper, the operation of column-parallel oversampled ADCs for CMOS imager is reviewed and several implementations... [more] IST2014-56
IST 2014-12-01
Tokyo Tamachi Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) [Poster Presentation] A combined tactile and proximity sensor for adaptive grasping of a robot hand
Hiroto Nakashima (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ.), Kazuhiro Shimonomura (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
We propose a combined tactile and proximity sensor for handling robot. Tactile sensing is based on the method known as a... [more] IST2014-66
AIT, ME 2014-05-19
Osaka Kinki Daigaku Blossom Cafe Multi-purpose Hall (Osaka) ResponsiveWall:Sensing and Representation in Public Space
Ryusetsu Matsushima, Yoshinobu Tonomura (Ryukoku Univ.)
This report proposes an interactive system for public space called “ResponsiveWall”, which senses ambient conditions aro... [more] ME2014-57 AIT2014-98
Nagasaki Nagasaki Univ. (Nagasaki) Low Complexity Sparse Channel Estimation based on Compressive Sensing for OFDM System
Syouhaku Gyuu, Minoru Okada (NAIST), Ziji Ma (Hunan University), Takeshi Higashino (NAIST)
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a multi-carrier modulation scheme which has been widely used in wid... [more] BCT2014-31
IST 2013-11-15
Shizuoka Sanaru Hall, Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) (Shizuoka) A combined sensor for robotic manipulation employing compound eye camera
Hiroto Nakashima (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka Univ.), Kazuhiro Shimonomura (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
We developed a combined sensor that can obtain the information for handling robot employing compound eye camera. Proximi... [more] IST2013-66
IST 2013-11-15
Shizuoka Sanaru Hall, Shizuoka Univ. (Hamamatsu) (Shizuoka) [Invited Talk] Promising image sensing technologies for the future
Takashi Komuro (Saitama Univ.)
With the performance increase of image sensors, the range of possible applications has become wide. Following that, the ... [more] IST2013-67
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