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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME, IST, IEICE-BioX, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE [detail] 2024-06-06
Niigata Nigata University (Ekinan-Campus "TOKIMATE") (Niigata) Enhanced Security with Random Binary Weights for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning
Hiroto Sawada, Shoko Imaizumi (Chiba Univ.), Hitoshi Kiya (TMU)
In this paper, we propose a novel method for enhancing security in privacy-preserving federated learning under the use o... [more]
IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX, IEICE-IE, IEICE-MI, IST, ME [detail] 2022-05-19
Kumamoto Kumamoto University (Kumamoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
N-white balancing: white balance adjustment for adjusting multi-illuminant scenes
Teruaki Akazawa, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2021-10-07
Online online (Online) Block-wise Transformation with Secret Key for Adversary Robust Defence of SVM model
Ryota Iijima, MaungMaung AprilPyone, Hitoshi Kiya (TMU)
In this paper, we propose a method for implementing support vector machine (SVM) models that are robust against adversar... [more]
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2020-10-01
Online Online (Online) Target color correction method based on multi-color balance for reducing effects of lighting conditions
Teruaki Akazawa, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2020-10-01
Online Online (Online) Evaluation of linear dimensionality reduction methods considering visual information protection for privacy-preserving machine learning
Masaki Kitayama, Hitoshi Kiya, Nobutaka Ono (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2020-10-01
Online Online (Online) Robustness Evaluation of Detectinon methods for Image manipulation with GANs
Miki Tanaka, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
3DMT, IEICE-SIS, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2020-06-03
Online G Square (Hakodate Community Plaza) (Online, Hokkaido) Luminance-Independent Hue Image Generation Method Based on CIELAB Color Space
Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
In this paper, we propose luminance-independent hue-image generation method based on the CIELAB color space, from RAW im... [more]
3DMT, IEICE-SIS, IPSJ-AVM [detail] 2020-06-04
Online G Square (Hakodate Community Plaza) (Online, Hokkaido) Two-layer lossless image coding compatible with JPEG XS
Hiroyuki Kobayashi (TMCIT), Hitoshi Kiya (TMU)
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido)
An Image Transformation Network for Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks
Hiroki Ito, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
We propose an image transformation network to generate visually-protected images for privacy-preserving deep neural netw... [more]
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2019-10-24
Fukui Fukui International Activities Plaza (Fukui) Image enhancement-based data augmentation for improving deep learning in image classification problem
Weihang Zhang, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2019-10-24
Fukui Fukui International Activities Plaza (Fukui) Performance evaluation of high-quality image generation methods using multi-exposure images
Kouki Seo, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
BCT, IEICE-SIS 2019-10-25
Fukui Fukui International Activities Plaza (Fukui) Image Compression in Encryption-then-Compression System Using Secure Sparse Representations
Takayuki Nakachi (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
n this paper, we propose a image compression method using secure sparse representations in Encryption-then-Compression (... [more]
Niigata Tokimeito, Niigata University (Niigata) Secure sparse representations in L0 norm minimization
Takayuki Nakachi (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
In this paper, we propose a method to estimate secure sparse representations in L0 norm minimization, and evaluate the e... [more]
ME, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, HI, AIT [detail] 2019-02-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) A hue-preserving tone mapping scheme
Kouki Seo, Artit Visavakicharoen, Yuma Kinoshita, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
ME, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, HI, AIT [detail] 2019-02-20
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Encrypted Image Classification by Using Secure OMP Computation
Takayuki Nakachi (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
IEICE-SIS, BCT 2018-10-25
Kyoto Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (Kyoto) HOG feature extraction from EtC images, and its application to image classification with machine learning
Masaki Kitayama, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
IEICE-SIS, BCT 2018-10-25
Kyoto Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (Kyoto) A Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Scheme with Exposure Compensation for Spatially Varying Exposures Images.
Chihiro Go, Yuma Kinoshita, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
IEE-CMN, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEICE-IE, ME [detail] 2018-09-27
Oita Beppu Int'l Convention Ctr. aka B-CON Plaza (Oita) SVM Computing Considering Dimension Reduction in the Encrypted Domain
Ayana Kawamura, Takahiro Maekawa, Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
IEE-CMN, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEICE-IE, ME [detail] 2018-09-27
Oita Beppu Int'l Convention Ctr. aka B-CON Plaza (Oita) Image Modeling in Encrypted Domain using Sparse Coding
Takayuki Nakachi (NTT), Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
IEE-CMN, IEICE-EMM, IEICE-LOIS, IEICE-IE, ME [detail] 2018-09-27
Oita Beppu Int'l Convention Ctr. aka B-CON Plaza (Oita) An Inverse Tone Mapping Operation Using CNN with LDR Based Learning
Yuma Kinoshita, Hitoshi Kiya (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
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