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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 9 of 9  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2025-03-10
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Nakano) (Tokyo) Furniture arrangement simulation system using 360 degree photograph-based VR
Hina Hanada, Yusei Kishikawa, Norihiko Kawai (OIT)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-22
Online online (Online) A Study on Object Detection in Omnidirectional Images Using Deep Learning
Yasuyuki Ishida, Toshio Ito (SIT)
A minimum sensor configuration is desired for a popular automatic vehicle. In this study, an omnidirectional camera with... [more]
ME 2022-02-12
Online online (Online) Morphing based VR space generation from multiple ominidirectional views
Kousuke Deki, Chao Zhang, Shogo Tokai (Univ. of Fukui)
With the development of VR technology, there is an increasing demand for VR experiences in real scenes. One of the exist... [more] ME2022-21
ME 2018-02-24
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Estimation of Human Posture from Multiple Omnidirectional images
Shunsuke Akama (TMCIT), Akihiro Matsufuji (TMU), Shoji Yamamoto (TMCIT)
Recently, the monitoring system with ceiling mounted cameras has been developed to find the human activity and movement ... [more] ME2018-58
BCT, IEEE-BT 2018-02-23
Toyama Kanponoyado-Toyama (Toyama) Unprecedented User Experience of Omnidirectional Images on TV, Content Distribution based on TV Receiver Performance, and Subjective Evaluation Method.
Masashi Ito, Ryoko Komiyama (Fuji TV.)
We have succeeded in creating content to achieve superior user experience over the conventional implementation method by... [more] BCT2018-36
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2018-01-26
Shizuoka Shizuoka Univ., Hamamatsu (Shizuoka) [Poster Presentation] Behavior Investigation of Medaka in Omnidirectional Aerial Display Using a Circular Image
Erina Abe, Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ.)
Omnidirectional display, which shows images in all directions, has an advantage to give a viewer a realistic feeling bec... [more] IDY2018-10
ME 2017-02-18
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. (Kanagawa) Accurate Feature Point Tracking using Local Invariant Features for Omnidirectional Image Sequence
Hiroshi Tada, Koichi Ichige (YNU)
In this paper, we propose a highly accurate feature point tracking method for omnidirectional image sequence. It is ofte... [more] ME2017-4
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEE-EDD, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC [detail] 2017-01-27
Tokushima Tokushima Univ. (Tokushima) Omnidirectional aerial display using the light distribution control by the louver filter
Sho Onose, Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ.)
An omnidirectional aerial image is formed on the entire circumference of the observing area with aerial imaging by retro... [more] IDY2017-7
3DMT, IDY 2016-07-19
Osaka Osaka City University (Osaka) Omnidirectional three-dimensional display using multiple light field displays
Saki Osafune, Aoi Fukuoka, Yusuke Minami, Kayo Yoshimoto, Hideya Takahashi (Osaka City Univ.)
We propose the omnidirectional 3D display system using multiple light field 3D display units which consist of a liquid c... [more] IDY2016-26 3DIT2016-22
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