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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: Recent 10 Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-OCS, IEICE-OFT, IEE-CMN, BCT [detail] 2023-11-09
Kyoto (Kyoto, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
[Invited Talk] Recent developments of infrastructure sensing in civil structures with embedded optical fiber sensor
Yuichi Yoshimura, Kotaro Fujiwara, Ayaka Nasu, Michio Imai, Hideki Nagatani, Junichi Kawabata (Kajima)
Distributed fiber optical sensing, which comprehensively detects deformations in civil structures, is applied to constru... [more]
ME, SIP 2020-12-16
Online Online (Online) A study on hierarchical estimation of road narrowing conditions by piled snow in in-vehicle cameras
Kozo Okumura, Sho Takahashi, Toru Hagiwara (Hokkaido Univ.)
Snow fall regions are facing the challenges such as the aging and decrease in the number of the snow removal workers. Re... [more] ME2020-102
ME, SIP 2020-12-16
Online Online (Online) A Study on Bicycle Behavior-based Edge Computing System for Supporting Road Management
Masahiro Yagi, Sho Takahashi, Toru Hagiwara (Hokkaido Univ.)
In this paper, we propose a bicycle behavior-based edge computing system for supporting road management. The proposed sy... [more] ME2020-103
BCT, IEEE-BT 2017-06-16
Tokyo NTV Shiodome Bldg. (Tokyo) [Invited Lecture] The Overview of The Verification Experiment of Simultaneous Television and Online Broadcasting “Experimental Provision B”, and Catch-up Service Trial
Hironori Furumiya, Tomomi Matsumura, So Endo, Kanako Takeguchi, Kenichiro Nishitani (NHK)
At the Japan Broadcasting Corporation, the purpose is to grasp the needs of simultaneous television and online broadcast... [more] BCT2017-52
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