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All Technical Committee Conferences  (Searched in: All Years)

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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
HI 2024-03-19
Online   Evaluation of interpolation methods for luminance CSF whole visual field model by measured data
Kotaro Kitakami, Suguru Saito (titech), Keiji Uchikawa (kait)
Contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs) are applicable to rendering wide-field of view images and saliency analysis. In ou... [more] HI2024-18
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2024-03-05
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology A Study on Online Data Management and Production Support Using Video Comparison in Japanese Animation Production
Weiyi Xia, Masahiro Fuchiue, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech)
In this paper, we have built a web system that accumulates data during transmission between Japanese animation productio... [more] AIT2024-72
HI 2023-03-15
Online   Modeling the luminance contrast sensitivity function in full visual field
Koutaro Kitakami, Suguru Saito (titech), Keiji Uchikawa (kait)
Human spatial contrast sensitivity functions(CSFs) are useful for applications in graphics rendering, saliency analysis,... [more] HI2023-10
IEICE-HIP, HI, VRPSY [detail] 2023-02-22
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Measuring the luminance contrast sensitivity function in the superior and inferior visual fields
Koutaro Kitakami, Suguru Saito (titech), Keiji Uchikawa (kait)
Human contrast sensitivity functions, measured from human contrast detection thresholds as functions of spatial frequenc... [more] HI2023-1
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online A database design for Japanese anime production based on data archived in film productions
Rin Nagao, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech.)
 [more] AIT2022-83
HI, IEICE-HIP, ASJ-H, VRPSY [detail] 2022-02-27
Online on line Image filter using bandpass filters and contrast sensitivity function
Kengo Ito, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech)
If we reduce low visibility information in image generation/transfer systems, the costs of those computations can be red... [more]
HI 2021-03-05
Online   Estimation of next fixation location using neural network
Seiya Hashizume, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech)
 [more] HI2021-6
IST 2020-03-27
Tokyo Kikaishinko kaikan
High-definition Visible-SWIR InGaAs Image Sensor using Cu-Cu Bonding of III-V to Silicon Wafer
Shunsuke Maruyama, Shuji Manda, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Suguru Saito, Hideki Minari, Takaaki Hirano, Taizo Takachi, Nobutoshi Fujii, Yuichi Yamamoto, Yoshifumi Zaizen, Tomoyuki Hirano, Hayato Iwamoto (SSS)
We developed a back-illuminated InGaAs image sensor with 1280x1024 pixels at 5-um pitch by using Cu-Cu hybridization con... [more] IST2020-16
HI, 3DMT 2020-03-11
Tokyo Kogakuin Univ. Tokyo Urban Tech Tower Campus
Image filter considered with peripheral vision characteristics with DoG and Gabor functions
Kengo Ito, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech)
For designing information display in public space and road signs, knowing the decrease of the sensitivity in peripheral ... [more] HI2020-58 3DIT2020-9
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Research on trends of three-dimensionality over decades in Japanese animation
Takumi Miki, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech)
Recent years, animations created with 3DCG are increasing. It often causes excessive
three-dimensionality when composed... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Contour Line Matching Method for Automation of Interbeteening Considering Three-dimensional Shape of Sketch Target
Juan NienWu, Masaki Fujita, Suguru Saito (Tokyo Tech.)
 [more] AIT2019-152
IST 2018-03-09
Tokyo NHK Housou-Gijyutu Lab. Near-infrared Sensitivity Enhancement of a Back-illuminated Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Image Sensor with a Pyramid Surface for Diffraction Structure
Itaru Oshiyama, Sozo Yokogawa, Harumi Ikeda, Yoshiki Ebiko, Tomoyuki Hirano, Suguru Saito, Oinoue Takashi, Yoshiya Hagimoto, Hayato Iwamoto (SSS)
 [more] IST2018-23
AIT, IIEEJ, AS 2016-03-09
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. Unification of perspective, orthographic and oblique projections
Fujiko Yoshimura, Yuri Yamamoto, Suguru Saito (Ochanomizu Univ.)
There are many projection methods used in paintings. In this paper, we propose an unified projection method, which can m... [more] AIT2016-134
HI, VRPSY 2015-11-14
Kagoshima Korimoto Campus, Kagoshima Univ. Color Appearance Test for Multivaliate Data Visualization
Suguru Saito, Yueqing Liu (Ocha. Univ.)
Data visualization is a powerful technique to grab its tendency in a second. Especially simultaneous visualizations of m... [more] HI2015-77
HI, IEICE-IE, AIT, IEICE-ITS, ME, MMS [detail] 2015-02-24
Hokkaido Hokudai Estimation of 3D Model by Shadow Consistency with Semi-Automatically Estimated Light Source and Camera for Realistic Relighting
JungHsuan Wu (TITech.), Suguru Saito (Ochanomizu Univ./TITech.)
HI 2013-12-06
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center Analysis of Face Drawing of Characters at Turning in Japanese Hand-Drawn Animation
Wataru Mano (Tokyo Tech), Suguru Saito (Ochanomizu Univ.)
Character motion in hand-drawn animations are illustrated by unrealistic way. However, we seldom mind the difference bet... [more] HI2013-68
HI [detail] 2011-12-10
Okinawa Okinawa Industry Support Center [Invited Talk] Improvement of bumpy texture rendering with realtime soft shadowing
Suguru Saito, Zhongxiang Zheng (Tokyo Tech.)
Shadow mapping is an efficient method to generate visual shadow effect
in realtime computer graphics, and has broad var... [more]
HI 2011-03-16
Tokyo Tokyo Univ. of Tech. [Invited Talk] paint model having sense of material on computer
Suguru Saito (TIT)
For real paint, there are problems that it contains poison materials
and becomes deteriorated. On the other hand, digit... [more]
 Results 1 - 18 of 18  /   
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