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Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-SIS, BCT 2024-10-04
Hokkaido Hokusei Gakuen Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Proposal of Lightness and Saturation Modification Method in RGB Color Space for Protanopia and Deuteranopia
Ayaka Fujita (Yamaguchi Univ.), Mashiho Mukaida (Kagoshima Univ.), Tadahiro Azetsu (Yamaguchi Prefectural Univ.), Noriaki Suetake (Yamaguchi Univ.)
IEICE-SIS, BCT 2024-10-04
Hokkaido Hokusei Gakuen Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A proposal of Luminance-and-hue preserving saturation enhancement method by using gamma correction
Keita Higuchi, Ayaka Fujita (Yamaguchi Univ.), Mashiho Mukaida (Kagoshima Univ.), Noriaki Suetake (Yamaguchi Univ.)
IEICE-OCS, IEICE-OFT, IEE-CMN, BCT [detail] 2023-11-10
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Group Delay Characteristics of Hollow Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber
Keishiro Iseri, Haruya Inamitsu, Toshio Watanabe, Tsutomu Nagayama, Seiji Fukushima (Kagoshima Univ.)
Kagoshima   [Special Talk] Intelligent Robot & AI Technology for Pioneering Our Future
Mutsumi Watanabe (Kagoshima Univ.)
The lecturer introduces the history of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent robots which the lecturer have devel... [more] BCT2020-9
SIP, ME 2019-11-15
Kumamoto Sojo University, Main Campus Individual Differences in Perception of Modified 2D- and 3D- Footsteps Illusions -- Dependence on Sports Experiences --
Masahiro Nakamura, Naoya Torisato, Shoko Hira, Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
 [more] ME2019-128
IST, ME, IEICE-BioX [detail] 2019-06-07
Ishikawa   Studies on the Individual Authentication System Using Eye Blink
Ryota Nakamura, Shinya Fukumoto, Masayuki Kashima (Kagoshima Univ.), Kiminori Sato (Tokyo Univ. of Technology), Mutsumi Watanabe (Kagoshima Univ.)
IDY, IEICE-EID, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2019-01-24
Kagoshima   [Poster Presentation] Aftereffect of Viewing Concave Curved Displays -- Assessment of Individual Differences in Equilibrioception Performance and Effects of Viewing Angle --
Hiromaru Nakagawa, Shoko Hira, Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.), Ken Kihara (AIST)
Recently, we found that curved displays with high resolutions might induce strong shape-aftereffects, named curved-surfa... [more] IDY2019-1
IDY, IEICE-EID, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC, IEE-EDD [detail] 2019-01-24
Kagoshima   [Poster Presentation] Image Compression Based on Global Tone Mapping Preserving Perceptual Reality -- Subjective Evaluation of Reproduced Images Impaired by Viewing Flare --
Yoshitaka Fukaya, Saki Iwaida, Shoko Hira, Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
In order to retaining perceptual reality in Standard-Dynamic-Range (SDR) images converted from High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) ... [more] IDY2019-2
AIT, ME, IEICE-IE [detail] 2018-10-19
Nagasaki   Individual Differences in Chromatic Perception Based on MDS: Continuous Variation from Dichromacy to Trichromacy
Shoko Hira, Mana Nakamichi (Kagoshima Univ.), Kota Kanari (Utsunomiya Univ.), Yuki Karakama (Kagoshima Univ.), Hikaru Fukuda, Miyoshi Ayama (Utsunomiya Univ.), Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
Communications using color between people with normal vision and Red-Green color vision deficiency (R-G CVD) is becoming... [more] ME2018-103 AIT2018-179
SIP, ME 2017-11-26
Kagoshima NIFS [Invited Talk] Variety of Sensory Information Integration from Environments and Individual Differences in Visual Illusion -- Examples as Aftereffect of Viewing Concave Curved Displays in a Large and Wide-Angle Environment --
Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
Visual illusions typically occur when inconsistencies in the integration of multiple visual information arise. Conventio... [more] ME2017-115
SIP, ME 2017-11-27
Kagoshima NIFS Study of the Trend Analysis of Coaching System for Badminton Player Based on Motion Analysis
Ryo Nehi, Masayuki Kashima, Shinya Fukumoto, Kiminori Sato, Mutsumi Watanabe (Kagoshima Univ.)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to improve badminton player’s performance for analyzing data in features play... [more] ME2017-117
ME, AIT, IEICE-IE [detail] 2017-10-06
Nagasaki   [Invited Talk] Importance of Both Verbal and Non-Verbal Visual Information -- Bi-modal Approach to Note-Taking and Review Processes --
Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
Recently, NII and Stanford researchers independently showed that the academic abilities of school students in Japan and ... [more] ME2017-112 AIT2017-171
IEICE-EID, IDY, IEIJ-SSL, SID-JC [detail] 2017-07-19
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Invited Lecture] Report on Display Week 2017 -- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality --
Sakuichi Ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.)
 [more] IDY2017-30
ME, IST, IEICE-BioX [detail] 2017-05-23
Ishikawa   Study on PIN code input system using way of the holding and the shaking motion of the acceleration sensor
Hirotaka Matsui, Shinya Fukumoto, Masayuki Kashima, Kiminori Sato, Mutsumi Watanabe (Kagoshima Univ.)
HI, VRPSY [detail] 2016-11-06
Aichi Archie Shukutoku University Length illusion of Benham's top -- Percept: specific elongation of black arc in white sector at white-to-black transition --
Kaori Shoji, Chiemi Miyata, Ken Kihara (Kagoshima Univ.), Toshiki Iso (NTT DoCoMo), Sakuichi Otsuka (Kagoshima Univ.), Hiroshi Ono (York Univ.)
 [more] HI2016-75
HI, VRPSY 2015-11-13
Kagoshima Korimoto Campus, Kagoshima Univ. [Keynote Address] Contribution of melanopsin ganglion cells to non-image forming and image-forming pathways
Sei-ichi Tsujimura (Kagoshima Univ.)
 [more] HI2015-66
HI 2014-11-28
Kumamoto Kumamoto City International Center Influence of rods to the cone-opponent chromatic mechanisms
Tasuku Takeshita (Kagoshima Univ.), Katsunori Okajima (Yokohama National Univ.), Sei-ichi Tsujimura (Kagoshima Univ.)
There are two cone-opponent mechanisms, |M-L| and |L+M-S| cone-opponent mechanisms that contribute to red-green and blue... [more] HI2014-61
IEICE-IE, AIT, ME [detail] 2014-11-06
Kagoshima   Effect of adding blue or yellow sector onto Benham's top on induced color
Chiemi Miyata, Kaori Shoji, Ken Kihara, Sakuichi ohtsuka (Kagoshima Univ.), Hiroshi Ono (York Univ.)
The S and (M+L) cone opponent color mechanism is responsible for seeing a yellowish apparent color at the transition of ... [more] ME2014-100 AIT2014-119
IDY, IEICE-EID, SID-JC [detail] 2014-07-29
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Invited Lecture] Dependency of Visibility on Panel Boundary Division in Weather Forecast Maps -- Open or closed panel boundaries --
Sakuichi Ohtsuka, Teppei Onisi, Tomotaka Babazono, Ken Kihara (Kagoshima Univ.)
 [more] IDY2014-35
IST, IEICE-ICD 2013-07-05
Hokkaido Sun ref re Hakodate 1-GHz, 8-bit Subranging ADC(1) -- Low-power techniques --
Masataro Iwamoto, Wataru Yoshimura, Futoshi Shimozono, Daiki Tabira, Kenichi Ohhata (Kagoshima Univ.)
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