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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 75  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
Hiroshima Hiroshima Institute of Technology
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Restoring Missing Regions in "Shihai-monjyo" by Applying Image Inpainting Method
Haruto Izumi, Masahiro Migita, Masashi Toda, Masahiko Itoh (Kumamoto Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more] ME2024-82
ME 2024-02-10
Online online Preliminary study on extraction of c-Fos regions from mouse brain images by use of multi-channelization, 1x1 convolution and U-net
Ziyue Wang, Hibiki Okamura, Yu Hayashi, Hotaka Takizawa (Univ. of Tsukuba)
This report proposes a method for extracting the expression regions of c-Fos protein from brain slice images of experime... [more] ME2024-13
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan Univ.
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improving Performance of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Driver Behavior Recognition
Shengbiao Wang, Koji Iwano (Tokyo City Univ.)
This study investigates the automatic recognition of driver behaviors using images captured by in-vehicle cameras for th... [more] ME2023-90
IIEEJ, AIT 2023-06-04
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
A Method for Counting Passing People Using Person Detection Based on a Combination of Difference Images and Region Growing
Mirai Amo, Youngha Chang, Nobuhiko Mukai (TCU), Yasuzo Tanaka (Takiguchi Corporation)
In this study, we propose a method to measure the number of people based on a bird’s-eye movie. Local Binary Patterns (L... [more] AIT2023-137
ME 2023-02-04
Online online [Special Talk] Directions for Media Engineering Technologies to Improve Logical- and Critical- Thinking Skills -- In Consideration of Human Evolution and Personal Growth Processes --
Sakuichi Ohtsuka (ICT)
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the start of full-version broadcasting of television in Japan in February 1953. ... [more] ME2023-20
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online Speech balloon shape conversion method for comics translation
Ikuko Tsubaki (Tokyo University of Technology)
When translating a comic into English, speech balloons may look unnatural or difficult to read. To cope this problem, a ... [more] AIT2022-163
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-21
Online online Statistical Analysis on Estimation of Laparoscopic Image Region of Interest Including Contrast Enhancement Based on Saliency Map
Norifumi Kawabata (Hokkaido Univ.), Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
In the medical field such as hospital, there are many chance for medical workers to see medical images visually. Therefo... [more]
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-22
Online online A Note on Accurate Distress Classification Using Deep Learning Considering Confidence in Attention map
Naoki Ogawa, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a note on accurate distress classification using deep learning considering confidence in attention m... [more] MMS2022-33 ME2022-58 AIT2022-33
IST 2021-06-30
Online   Fabrication and Evaluation of Image Sensor with Mosaic Interference Filter for Near-infrared Color Fundus Camera
Noriaki Kishida, Ze Wang, Honghao Tang, Hironari Takehara (NAIST), Hirohumi Sumi (U Tokyo), Makito Haruta, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Kiyotaka Sasagawa, Jun Ohta (NAIST)
We are developing a selfie-ready near-infrared color fundus camera that does not dazzle the subject. We have been using ... [more] IST2021-36
3DMT 2021-03-08
    Proposes and developments of a new Arc-3D-image rewriting method and automatic generation method in Fresnel Arc 3D Display
Haruto Taguchi, Haruki mizushina, Shiro suyama (Tokushima Univ.)
We proposed and verified a new Arc-3D-image rewriting method utilizing Frestnel structure and automatic generation metho... [more] 3DIT2021-4
ME, SIP 2020-12-16
Online Online A study on hierarchical estimation of road narrowing conditions by piled snow in in-vehicle cameras
Kozo Okumura, Sho Takahashi, Toru Hagiwara (Hokkaido Univ.)
Snow fall regions are facing the challenges such as the aging and decrease in the number of the snow removal workers. Re... [more] ME2020-102
3DMT 2020-10-20
Online Online A New 3D Image Switching Method in Arc 3D Display by Using Arc Array and Projectors with Different Illumination Angles for Changing Depths
Kazuki Seko, Haruki Mizushina, Shiro Suyama (Tokushima Univ.)
We can successfully achieve rewriting or switching 3D images in Arc 3D display by separately illuminating desired arc-sh... [more] 3DIT2020-29
IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX, IST, ME [detail] 2020-05-29
Online Online Distant pedestrian detection from nighttime NIR video by moving-region zooming
Atsuki Hiramatsu, Yusuke Kameda (TUS), Hiroshi Ikeoka (Fukuyama Univ.), Takayuki Hamamoto (TUS)
Highly accurate pedestrian detection technology is required for functions such as automatic emergency braking, which are... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology
A Study of an Estimation Method of a Score Transition in a Table Tennis Video
Shoma Kato, Hiroaki Sawano, Akira Kito (AIT), Norio Isi (Ichinomiya Kenshin Col.), Yuri Suzuki (Chubu Univ.)
It is important to analyze a service in a table tennis, and a table tennis player confirms a service hitting style and a... [more] AIT2020-70
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ.
Detection of Vermin Approach to Cages by Image Processing for Optimal Attraction Feeding
Hidehiro Sekoguchi, Saori Hamaguchi, Kazufumi Nakai, Nobuo Ezaki, Yukishige Izue (NITTC), Osamu Takahash (ISE C.L), Naoto Yamabata (HU)
In recent years, damage to agricultural products by wild animals has become serious. There is a system which can monitor... [more] MMS2020-3 HI2020-3 ME2020-31 AIT2020-3
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ.
A note on detection of distress regions in subway tunnels by using U-net based network
An Wang, Ren Togo, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ)
This paper presents an automated distress region detection method using subway tunnel images. We previously proposed a m... [more] MMS2020-14 HI2020-14 ME2020-42 AIT2020-14
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ.
A Study on Region Segmentation of Color Laparoscopic Images after Contrast Enhancement Including Super-Resolution CNN by Image Regions
Norifumi Kawabata (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Toshiya Nakaguchi (Chiba Univ.)
As one of image pre-processing method to detect, recognize, and estimate lesion or characteristic region in medical imag... [more] MMS2020-22 HI2020-22 ME2020-50 AIT2020-22
IEICE-IE, IEICE-CS, IPSJ-AVM, BCT [detail] 2019-12-05
Iwate Aiina Center An Circular Road Signs Extraction Method for Accelerating Object Detection System
Fang Yin, Kentaro Katayama, Eiji Yoshida (Fujitsu Lab)
Cyber-physical system (CPS) becomes realistic with the development of sensing technology and pattern recognition technol... [more]
SIP, ME 2019-11-14
Kumamoto Sojo University, Main Campus Trial of three-dimensional extraction and classification of cell nucleus region in heart
Asuma Takematsu, Masahiro Migita, Masashi Toda, Yuichiro Arima (Kumamoto Univ.)
In this study, after extracting the region of the cell nucleus from the cell nucleus image, I focused on only the typica... [more] ME2019-116
IEICE-SIS, IPSJ-AVM, 3DMT [detail] 2019-06-13
Nagasaki Fukue Culture Center A Proposal of Improvement Method of Local Color Correction
Seiichi Kojima (Yamaguchi Univ.), Yoshiaki Ueda (Fukuoka Univ.), Noriaki Suetake, Eiji Uchino (Yamaguchi Univ.)
It is difficult to take good pictures, when the scene has both of bright and dark regions. The visibility of the picture... [more]
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