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 Results 1 - 20 of 44  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ME 2024-10-22
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. Study on Digital Twin of River by 3D Modeling for Flow Path Health Assessment
Phonepaserth Sisaykeo, Hiroyasu Yasuda, Kiyoshi Hayasaka, Shogo Muramatsu (Niigata Univ.)
This study presents a novel approach to develop a river health assessment measure by leveraging a digital twin, develope... [more] ME2024-96
MMS, ME, AIT, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2023-02-21
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. A Note on Accurate Shoot Prediction Considering Players' Spatio-temporal Relations in Soccer Videos -- Introduction of Complete Bipartite Graph Based on Players' Team Information --
Ryota Goka, Yuya Moroto, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents the introduction of a complete bipartite graph based on the team information of players for improvin... [more] MMS2023-5 ME2023-25 AIT2023-5
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online Concurrent Color Scheme Timelines in Animation
Yuki Narayama, Kai Lenz, Kakimoto Masanori (TUT)
Nowadays, tools and methods for more efficient production are being developed and researched on a daily basis.The produc... [more] AIT2022-52
HI, VRPSY 2021-11-26
- 2021-11-27
Online   A Basic Analysis on Perception of Speed and Time in Watching 360-degree Video with HMD
Kyoko Sakuma, Yasuaki Kakehi (UT)
An immersive head-mounted display (HMD) is expected to produce a different sensation from that of viewing on a normal mo... [more] HI2021-10
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2021-03-08
Online Online Automatic acoustic scene analysis of touring videos
Daiju Sazuka, Keiko Ochi, Yasunari Oobuchi (Tokyo Univ. Tech.)
This research proposes a system for creating touring videos with a higher sense of realism. The system combines video ta... [more] AIT2021-98
IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2021-02-18
Online Online A Note on Prediction of Important Scenes in Baseball Videos via Multimodal Variational Autoencoder Using Tweets and Videos
Kaito Hirasawa, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a prediction method of important scenes in baseball videos based on multimodal variational autoencod... [more] MMS2021-14 ME2021-14 AIT2021-14
IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2021-02-18
Online Online A Note on Position Estimation of Superimposing Information in Soccer Videos -- Decision of Object Placement Based on User's Gaze Position and Players' Positions --
Genki Suzuki, Sho Takahashi, Takahiro Ogawaa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a method for position estimation of superimposing information based on user's gaze position and play... [more] MMS2021-15 ME2021-15 AIT2021-15
HI, VRPSY 2020-11-27
Online   Analysis of noting behaviors by students in video lectures (Fourth report)
Eiji Watanabe (Konan Univ.), Takashi Ozeki (Fukuyama Univ.), Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
In real-time lectures as well as face-to-face lectures, it is important for lectures to grasp the behaviors of taking no... [more] HI2020-68
IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-BioX, IST, ME [detail] 2020-05-29
Online Online A method for analyze causes of deterioration of predict quality when Deep Learning is applied to instance segmentation
Tomonori Kubota, Takanori Nakao, Masafumi Katoh, Eiji Yoshida, Hidenobu Miyoshi (Fujitsu Lab.)
In this paper, we propose a method to analyze the cause of deterioration of prediction accuracy in instance segmentation... [more]
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2020-03-13
Tokyo Tokyo University of Technology
Structure Analysis on Anime Idol Music Video with Association Rule
Rena Aizawa, Akinori Ito (TUT)
In this research, we analyzed music videos of "Maji LOVE 1000%", "God's S.T.A.R.", and "Immortal Inferno" in "Utano☆Prin... [more] AIT2020-87
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-27
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ.
Presentation Region Calculation of Information Based on Gaze Tracking Data in Soccer Videos
Genki Suzuki, Sho Takahashi, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a method for calculation of the presentation region of information based on gaze tracking data in so... [more] MMS2020-18 HI2020-18 ME2020-46 AIT2020-18
HI, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2020-02-28
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ.
A Note on Event Classification in Soccer Videos Using Bidirectional LSTM
Tomoki Haruyama, Sho Takahashi, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a method for event classification using Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) in soccer videos. In soccer com... [more] MMS2020-48 HI2020-48 ME2020-76 AIT2020-48
SIP, ME 2019-11-14
Kumamoto Sojo University, Main Campus A Study on Scene Matching for Different Pitching Styles
Ryohei Osawa (Waseda Univ.), Takaaki Ishikawa (GITI), Hiroshi Watanabe (Waseda Univ.)
In recent years, baseball video data has been used to analyze player motions. Since the video can be confirmed as many t... [more] ME2019-117
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Selecting Pairs of Adjectives for Semantic Differential Method for Evaluating Impression given by Video Game Effects
Haruki Yamamoto, Takashi Nakamura (KAIT), Kazunori Miyata (JAIST), Hisashi Sato (KAIT)
The SD method ( Semantic Differential Method ) is widely used in several research as a method for quantifying and measur... [more] AIT2019-77
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2019-03-12
Tokyo Waseda Univ. Automatic Analysis for fielding of Baseball infielder by using HighSpeedCamera
Mikio Sakai, Daisuke Niino, Takashi Ijiri (SIT)
High speed cameras are commonly used for analyzing and visualizing actions of sports players in detail, since those are ... [more] AIT2019-133
ME 2019-02-09
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin University Video classification using signals and semantic level metadata for ambiguous video search
Ryunosuke Itabashi, Nobuyuki Yagi (Tokyo City Univ.)
It is becoming possible to find the expected videos in the internet with considerable accuracy, but the developed techno... [more] ME2019-11
ME, SIP 2018-12-17
Tokyo The University of Electro-Communications [Special Talk] Human motion analysis using images
Hidetaka Okada (UEC)
Image plays an important role in analyzing human movement in competitive sports and daily life. Analysis of human moveme... [more] ME2018-111
ME, SIP 2018-12-18
Tokyo The University of Electro-Communications Proposal of automatic measurement method of swimming speed from Fixed Point Camera Movie for Competitive Swimming
Genta Imai, Hiroshi Esaki (The University of Tokyo)
Recently, there are many attentions to sports information processing. In this paper, we propose a method of swimmer dete... [more] ME2018-116
ME 2018-02-24
Kanagawa Kanto Gakuin Univ. A consideration of video search for ambiguous aim
Ryunosuke Itabashi, Nobuyuki Yagi (Tokyo City Univ.)
It is becoming possible to find the expected videos in the internet with considerable accuracy along with the progress o... [more] ME2018-61
IEICE-ITS, IEICE-IE, MMS, HI, ME, AIT [detail] 2018-02-15
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. A Note on Recurrent Neural Network-based Tactics Estimation in Soccer Videos
Genki Suzuki, Sho Takahashi, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents a method that estimates team tactics in soccer videos by a recurrent neural network.
In general, pl... [more]
MMS2018-9 HI2018-9 ME2018-9 AIT2018-9
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