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 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Descending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 47  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IEICE-HIP, HI, VRPSY [detail] 2025-02-19
Ehime UNIVERSITY OF HUMAN ENVIRONMENTS (Ehime) The effect of others' actions on individuals' evacuation behavior during fires in underground spaces
Shunta Sato (Niigata Univ.), Shin Tabeta (Hokuriku Univ.), Takaki Ohmori, Eiko Ono (Nikken), Shigehito Tanahashi (Niigata Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
ME, AIT, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, SIP [detail] 2025-02-18
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Trial for Recognizing Hazards in Traffic Scene Using a Vision-Language Model
Kazuma Nishimura, Kazuto Nakagawa, Temma Okamoto, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
ME, AIT, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, SIP [detail] 2025-02-19
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) [Special Talk] A Note on Customer Interest Estimation Method Based on Multiple Transformer Models Using Real Store Video Data
Teruhisa Yamashiro (NDB), Ren Togo (Hokkaido Univ.), Yuki Honma, Yu Yoshida (NDB), Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
(To be available after the conference date) [more]
ME 2024-10-21
Tokyo Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. (Tokyo) A Study for Investigating Impact of Merging Assistance Information Using AR-HUD on Drivers
Mina Nishitsuji, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.)
In recent years, research and development of Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays (AR-HUD) that overlay information onto t... [more] ME2024-89
ME, IST, IEICE-BioX, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE [detail] 2024-06-06
Niigata Nigata University (Ekinan-Campus "TOKIMATE") (Niigata) A trial for recognizing traffic scene using a Vision-Language Model
Kazuto Nakagawa, Kazuma Nishimura, Osamu Sugiyama, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.)
For the societal implementation of autonomous driving systems, it is essential that these systems understand the behavio... [more] IST2024-25 ME2024-50
ME, IST, IEICE-BioX, IEICE-SIP, IEICE-MI, IEICE-IE [detail] 2024-06-06
Niigata Nigata University (Ekinan-Campus "TOKIMATE") (Niigata) A Trial Study for Investigating Relationship between Older Drivers' Physical Function and Driving Behavior Using Driver Monitoring Technology
Ayumu Tsujimura (Kindai Univ.), Shohei Kagino (Morinomiya Univ. of Medical Sciences), Osamu Sugiyama (Kindai Univ.), Shingo Moriizumi, Kazumi Renge (Tezukayama Univ.), Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.)
In our super-aged society, investigating countermeasures against traffic accidents caused by older drivers has become an... [more] IST2024-26 ME2024-51
HI 2024-03-19
Online (Online) A Trial Study for Investigating the Relationship between Older Drivers’ Overconfidence and Driving Behavior
Yuya Akazawa, Masahiro Tada (Kindai Univ.), Shingo Moriizumi, Kazumi Renge (Tezukayama Univ.)
According to previous studies, older people tend to have higher self-assessment of their driving skills than other age g... [more] HI2024-15
Osaka Osaka Metropolitan Univ. (Osaka, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Improving Performance of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Driver Behavior Recognition
Shengbiao Wang, Koji Iwano (Tokyo City Univ.)
This study investigates the automatic recognition of driver behaviors using images captured by in-vehicle cameras for th... [more] ME2023-90
HI 2023-03-15
Online (Online) Analysis of learning logs in lectures and self-studies (Second report)
Eiji Watanabe (Konan Univ.), Takashi Ozeki (Fukuyama Univ.), Takeshi Kohama (Kindai Univ.)
This report describes an analysis method for learning logs based on the non-verbal behavior of lecturers and students me... [more] HI2023-12
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2023-03-06
Tokyo Tokyo Polytechnic Univ. (Nakano) (Tokyo, Online)
(Primary: On-site, Secondary: Online)
Clustering Method of Driving Scene using Coupled-GP-HSMM -- Evaluation of Relationship between Road Gradient and Braking Operation --
Taiga Matsunaga, Ginnojo Muto, Daichi Yanagihara, Kohjiro Hashimoto (Suwa Univ.)
This paper examines a clustering method for driving behavior data. Here, it is assumed that the driving scene is defined... [more] AIT2023-62
MMS, ME, AIT, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2023-02-22
Hokkaido Hokkaido Univ. (Hokkaido) Prototype of TV Viewing Robot Web Application
Makoto Okuda, Yuta Hagio, Marina Kamimura, Yutaka Kaneko, Hisayuki Ohmata (NHK)
With the aim of making TV (television) viewing more enjoyable, we are researching a TV viewing robot that watches TV whi... [more] MMS2023-32 ME2023-52 AIT2023-32
AIT, IIEEJ, AS, CG-ARTS 2022-03-08
Online Online (Online) Habitualization support application based on the Fogg Behavior Model
Eiji Tomura, Tomonari Kamba (Toyo Univ)
When trying to achieve some goal, it is important to make certain behaviors a habit, but making a habit is not always ea... [more] AIT2022-99
3DMT 2022-03-07
Online (Online) Fabrication and experiment of aquatic display for behavioral experiment of small fishes
Daiki Kudo, Masaki Yasugi, Nao Ninomiya, Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto (Utsunomiya Univ.)
In behavioral experiments to investigate cognition in small animals, a method to record responses to images shown on an ... [more] 3DIT2022-21
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-21
Online online (Online) A Note on Interest level Estimation Using Users' Behavior Information -- Validating the Effectiveness of Feature Integration with Multiple Users --
Kyohei Kamikawa, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
In this paper, we verify the effectiveness of feature integration with multi-user behavior information for interest leve... [more] MMS2022-20 ME2022-45 AIT2022-20
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-22
Online online (Online) Classification of User's Device Possession Position and Behavior by Using Deep Metric Learning
Rui Kitahara, Lifeng Zhang (Kyutech)
With the widespread use of smartphones, there have been efforts to classify human behavior using built-in sensors. Howev... [more]
AIT, ME, MMS, IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS [detail] 2022-02-22
Online online (Online) Relevance Analysis between Bio-signals of Engineers Inspecting Subway Tunnels and Their Inspection Behaviors
Kaito Hirasawa, Keisuke Maeda, Ren Togo, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama (Hokkaido Univ.)
This paper presents relevance analysis between bio-signals of engineers inspecting subway tunnels and their inspection b... [more] MMS2022-32 ME2022-57 AIT2022-32
ME 2022-02-12
Online online (Online) Safety path planning for autonomous mobile robot based on human behavior prediction
Kohei Tanaka, Eiji Nishizawa, Ryotaro Ishii, Shoji Yamamoto (TMCIT)
Recently, robots have become a familiar partner of our lives. As these robots move autonomously in our living space, saf... [more] ME2022-4
HI, VRPSY 2021-11-26
- 2021-11-27
Online (Online) Comparison between Skilled Driver and Beginner Driver about Confirmation Action of Motorcycle Navigation System
Hiroaki Itasaka, Mitsuharu Ogiya, Masato Takanokura (KU)
Due to COVID-19 epidemic, an increasing number of people are using motorcycles instead of trains. It is expected that th... [more] HI2021-19
IEICE-IE, IEICE-ITS, MMS, ME, AIT [detail] 2021-02-19
Online Online (Online) [Special Talk] Store Channel Customer Segmentation using transaction data
Yuji Sakagawa (Hokkaido Univ.)
We attempted to identify market segments based on real and online stores in a specific area by latent class analysis. As... [more] MMS2021-23 ME2021-23 AIT2021-23
ME, SIP 2020-12-16
Online Online (Online) A Study on Bicycle Behavior-based Edge Computing System for Supporting Road Management
Masahiro Yagi, Sho Takahashi, Toru Hagiwara (Hokkaido Univ.)
In this paper, we propose a bicycle behavior-based edge computing system for supporting road management. The proposed sy... [more] ME2020-103
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